| Pirate's Cutlass | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Mizzenmast | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Heavy Chain | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Soft Warmth | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Frozen Soul | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Hatred of the Void | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Hungering Flame | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Spear of the Defender | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Steeleater | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Hippopotamidaen Strength | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Brawling Axe | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Thundershot | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Mayhem Maker | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Ammit's Hunger | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Slayer's Axe | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Finger of Suetekh | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Arm of Horus | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Timelost Flail | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Fire of Life | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Snowmelt | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Brightdark | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Volcanic Staff | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Firepoker | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Knightslayer | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Firefight | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Trickshot | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Old Longbow | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Shredder | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Flamespout | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Commanding Strike | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Enduring Will | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Strikeback | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Rending Flail | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Stomach | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Heart | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Palm | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Blood | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Forearm | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Tooth | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Spine | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Heel | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Tendon | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Vein | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Eye | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Horn | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Tongue | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Thigh | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Daemon Tail | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Encroaching Corruption Life Staff | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Encroaching Corruption Ice Gauntlet | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |