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Name Perks Rarity Tier
Commemorative Trophy of Fire and Fellowship
Legendary V
Spriggan Flame Brazier Can be crafted
Legendary V
Trophy of Blood of the Sands
Legendary V
Trophy of the Elysian Wilds
Legendary V
Cyclops Decimus Statuette
Legendary V
Cyclops Lucanus Statuette
Legendary V
Trophy of Eternal Frost
Legendary V
Trophy of the Guardian
Legendary V
Trophy of the Hercyne
Legendary V
Trophy of Strife
Legendary V
“Talk of the Town” Commemorative Painting
Legendary V
Snowcapped Stag Sculpture Can be bought in shop
Epic IV
Snowcapped Yeti Sculpture Can be bought in shop
Epic IV
Horned-Tooth Mandje - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Albenaja - Large Memento
Epic IV
Abaia Serpe - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Aquanaja - Large Memento
Epic IV
Daemonaja - Large Memento
Epic IV
Mandje Mandje - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Blue-Winged Serpe - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Glowing Gnufish - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Lava Barb - Large Memento
Epic IV
Ray-Finned Barb - Large Memento
Epic IV
Egede Serpe - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Varanus Mandje - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Glowing Guardfish - Medium Memento
Epic IV
Blue-blooded Barb - Large Memento
Epic IV
Jade Weapon Rack Can be crafted
Epic IV
Large Stone Brazier Can be crafted
Epic IV
Carved Statue of Jupiter Can be crafted
Epic IV
Sacks of Pigment Can be bought in shop
Epic IV
Sandwurm Egg of the Long Journey
Epic IV
Sandwurm Egg of the Oasis
Epic IV
Sandwurm Egg of Blood and Sand
Epic IV
Sandwurm Egg of the Protector
Epic IV
Sandwurm Egg of the Hatchery
Epic IV
Champion's Partition
Epic IV
Champion's Monument
Epic IV
Choochoo Train Set Can be bought in shop
Epic IV
Weathered Corrupted Ogre Floor Statue
Epic IV
Miniature Bronze Corrupted Ogre Statue
Epic IV
Pirate Monarch's Gilded Cannon
Rare III
Pirate Monarch's Hoard
Rare III
Pirate Monarch's Steering Wheel
Rare III
Pirate Monarch's Golden Plaque
Rare III
Bubbling Cauldron
Rare III
The Conjuring Crystal
Rare III
Enchanted Broom
Rare III
Potion-Maker’s Kit
Rare III
Stolen Gravestone
Rare III
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