Arboreal Attunement

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

Attacks deal +14% weapon damage as Nature (1.5s cooldown. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects).

Condition: Active Item (active weapon bar) Compatible With: Flail, Sword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Life Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Greatsword, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Ice Gauntlet, Void Gauntlet, Dagger, Blunderbuss Exclusive Labels: Elemental
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Amazing User

@Schatt all the Attune's have gems to increase or mitigate their damage. Amber is the gem for nature. Ruby is for fire, Aquamarine is for Frost...any way they all have a gem. The attunement is just preferential to the meta, it's a guessing game as to what to slot for your opponent.


@Conquest depends on the Weapons you playing but noone has Gems against nature Damage thats why they prefer Nature Attunement


Can anyone please explain to me why arboreal attune is bis? or is it not?

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