| Schematic: Rabbit Hunter's Blunderbuss | | Legendary | V |
| Schematic: Craftsman's Passion | | Legendary | V |
| Schematic: Heavy Knight | | Legendary | V |
| Empty Ancient Heart | | Legendary | V |
| Shattered Sword | | Legendary | V |
| Scaling Powder | | Legendary | V |
| Ancient Bearing | | Legendary | V |
| Broken Hatchet | | Legendary | V |
| Withered Bough | | Legendary | V |
| Serpentine Handguard | | Legendary | V |
| Fragmented Musket | | Legendary | V |
| Splintered Bow | | Legendary | V |
| Petrified Fire | | Legendary | V |
| Blessed Scepter | | Legendary | V |
| Ancient Armor Plates | | Legendary | V |
| Cold-Forged Buckles | | Legendary | V |
| Ancient Metallic Thread | | Legendary | V |
| Eternal Ice | | Legendary | V |
| Emblem of Fortitude | | Legendary | V |
| Crest of Fortitude | | Legendary | V |
| Advanced Loading Mechanism | | Legendary | V |
| Broken Blade | | Legendary | V |
| Empty Scepter | | Legendary | V |
| Infused Resin | | Legendary | V |
| Glimmering Twine | | Legendary | V |
| Glowing Tallow | | Legendary | V |
| Sparkling Dust | | Legendary | V |
| Etched Handguard | | Legendary | V |
| Embossed Wrapping | | Legendary | V |
| Empowered Counterbalance | | Legendary | V |
| Inscribed Shield Boss | | Legendary | V |
| Enchanted Bow String | | Legendary | V |
| Intricate Firearm Lock | | Legendary | V |
| Runic Thread | | Legendary | V |
| Embroidered Padding | | Legendary | V |
| Crystalline Rivets | | Legendary | V |
| Life Crystal Core | | Legendary | V |
| Fire Crystal Core | | Legendary | V |
| Ice Crystal Core | | Legendary | V |
| Void Crystal Core | | Legendary | V |
| Golden Scarab | | Legendary | V |
| Writ of Adventure | | Legendary | V |
| Dark Matter | | Legendary | — |
| Prismatic Ingot | | Legendary | V |
| Prismatic Leather | | Legendary | V |
| Prismatic Cloth | | Legendary | V |
| Prismatic Planks | | Legendary | V |
| Prismatic Block | | Legendary | V |
| Prismatic Scarab | | Legendary | V |
| Azoth Inductor | | Legendary | — |