Logging Efficiency

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

+111% base Logging speed.

Grants Effects
Status_Perk_Tools_Efficiency_Logging Effect ID: Status_Perk_Tools_Efficiency_Logging Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1
Scales with Gear Score Condition: Equipped Item Compatible With: Logging Axe Exclusive Labels: Bonus
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Agree with @eyesoffaith.

After reading up and checking some Youtube videos, this perk appears to be worthless. At least on high GS tools.
Adding 90% "Base Logging speed" still requires the same exact amount of hits and is no faster at all.

Unless I'm wrong, they have to remove this perk or change it.


Don't think this perk is working. Not seeing an increase in animation speed or the gathering speed stat.

No more comments ^^
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