Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Blightroot Stem
Common II
Blightroot Leaf
Uncommon III
Blightroot Flower
Rare IV
Dragonglory Stem
Common II
Dragonglory Leaf
Uncommon III
Dragonglory Flower
Rare IV
Earthspine Stem
Common II
Earthspine Leaf
Uncommon III
Earthspine Flower
Rare IV
Lifebloom Stem
Common II
Lifebloom Leaf
Uncommon III
Lifebloom Flower
Rare IV
Rivercress Stem
Common II
Rivercress Leaf
Uncommon III
Rivercress Flower
Rare IV
Shockbulb Stem
Common II
Shockbulb Leaf
Uncommon III
Shockbulb Flower
Rare IV
Soulsprout Stem
Common II
Soulsprout Leaf
Uncommon III
Soulsprout Flower
Rare IV
Dragon Fish Jaw
Epic V
Piranha Tooth
Epic V
Poison Sac
Epic V
Earth Mote
Common II
Earth Wisp Can be crafted
Uncommon III
Earth Essence Can be crafted
Rare IV
Fire Mote
Common II
Fire Wisp Can be crafted
Uncommon III
Fire Essence Can be crafted
Rare IV
Air Mote
Common II
Air Wisp Can be crafted
Uncommon III
Air Essence Can be crafted
Rare IV
Water Mote
Common II
Water Wisp Can be crafted
Uncommon III
Water Essence Can be crafted
Rare IV
Soul Mote
Common II
Soul Wisp Can be crafted
Uncommon III
Soul Essence Can be crafted
Rare IV
Life Mote
Common II
Life Wisp Can be crafted
Uncommon III
Life Essence Can be crafted
Rare IV
Death Mote
Common II
Death Wisp Can be crafted
Uncommon III
Death Essence Can be crafted
Rare IV
Earth Quintessence Can be crafted
Epic V
Fire Quintessence Can be crafted
Epic V
Air Quintessence Can be crafted
Epic V
Water Quintessence Can be crafted
Epic V
Soul Quintessence Can be crafted
Epic V