Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Black Ice Gauntlets of the Soldier Epic V 650-700
Black Ice Plates of the Soldier Epic V 650-700
Black Ice Sabatons of the Soldier Epic V 650-700
Tarnished Excavator's Coif of the Ranger Epic V 650-700
Tarnished Excavator's Cloak of the Ranger Epic V 650-700
Tarnished Excavator's Gloves of the Ranger Epic V 650-700
Tarnished Excavator's Chaps of the Ranger Epic V 650-700
Tarnished Excavator's Boots of the Ranger Epic V 650-700
Cold Hearted Mask of the Scholar Epic V 650-700
Cold Hearted Cowl of the Scholar Epic V 650-700
Cold Hearted Sleeves of the Scholar Epic V 650-700
Cold Hearted Leggings of the Scholar Epic V 650-700
Cold Hearted Boots of the Scholar Epic V 650-700
Voice of the Devourer's Kaftan Sash
Epic V 650-675
Voice of the Devourer's Slacks
Epic V 650-675
Voice of the Devourer's Nokhed Boots
Epic V 650-675
Voice of the Devourer's Bazubands
Epic V 650-675
Flaming Monk's Jinbaori
Epic V 650-675
Flaming Monk's Kabuto
Epic V 650-675
Flaming Monk's Kusazuri
Epic V 650-675
Flaming Monk's Kogake
Epic V 650-675
Flaming Monk's Han Kote
Epic V 650-675
Frozen Monarch's Chestplate
Epic V 650-675
Frozen Monarch's Helmet
Epic V 650-675
Frozen Monarch's Greaves
Epic V 650-675
Frozen Monarch's Sabatons
Epic V 650-675
Frozen Monarch's Gauntlets
Epic V 650-675
Plaid Chainmail of the Speardaughter
Epic V 650-675
Braided Circlet of the Speardaughter
Epic V 650-675
Knickers of the Speardaughter
Epic V 650-675
Highlanders of the Speardaughter
Epic V 650-675
Bracers of the Speardaughter
Epic V 650-675
Humble Soulwarden's Chestplate
Epic V 650-675
Humble Soulwarden's Greaves
Epic V 650-675
Humble Soulwarden's Boots
Epic V 650-675
Humble Soulwarden's Gauntlets
Epic V 650-675
Mystic Fae's Robes
Epic V 650-675
Mystic Fae's Pants
Epic V 650-675
Mystic Fae's Shoes
Epic V 650-675
Mystic Fae's Gloves
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Bow
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Great Axe
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Longsword
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Musket
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Rapier
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Spear
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Hatchet
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's War Hammer
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Fire Staff
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Life Staff
Epic V 650-675