Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Marauder Legatus Cuisses of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Legatus Greaves of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Hat of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Coat of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Gloves of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Pants of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Hat of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Coat of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Gloves of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Pants of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Hat of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Coat of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Gloves of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Pants of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Helm of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Breastplate of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Gauntlets of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Legguards of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Helm of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Breastplate of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Gauntlets of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Legguards of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Helm of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Breastplate of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Gauntlets of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Legguards of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Flail Can be bought in shop Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Flail Can be bought in shop Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Flail Can be bought in shop Epic V 580
Legendary Azoth Fishing Pole Uncommon V 575
Legendary Strength Fishing Pole Uncommon V 575
Legendary Tech Fishing Pole Uncommon V 575
Edengrove Marksman's Longcoat Rare V 570
Victor's Helm Reward from quest Epic V 570
Fortuna Chestplate Reward from quest Legendary V 570
Sandman's Coverings Legendary V 570
Spatha Gauntlet Legendary V 570
Dune Treads Legendary V 570
Mask of the Crusade Legendary V 570
Traveler's Cuisses Legendary V 570
Travelling Storm Legendary V 570
Shaman Queen Legendary V 570
Legions of Fire Legendary V 570
Opus Mortis Epic V 570