Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Grand Undertaker's Claws
Epic V 625-690
Grand Undertaker's Chausses
Epic V 625-690
Grand Undertaker's Greaves
Epic V 625-690
Grand Overseer's Visor
Epic V 625-690
Grand Overseer's Uniform
Epic V 625-690
Grand Overseer's Gloves
Epic V 625-690
Grand Overseer's Britches
Epic V 625-690
Grand Overseer's Jackboots
Epic V 625-690
Champion's Buckler
Epic V 625-690
Champion's Kite Shield
Epic V 625-690
Champion's Tower Shield
Epic V 625-690
Predator's Pod
Epic V 625-690
Predator's Shell
Epic V 625-690
Predator's Husk
Epic V 625-690
Ceasefire Epic V 625-700
Tactical Withdrawal Epic V 625-700
Blockade Epic V 625-700
Coral Lash Epic V 625
Icy Decapitator Epic IV 625
Demolishing Shot Can be crafted Epic V 625
Dragon Epic V 625
Messy Splasher Can be crafted Epic V 625
Longbow of the Eternal Dream Epic IV 625
Shield of Suppresion Can be crafted Epic V 625
Gilded Defense Can be crafted Epic V 625
Compulsion Epic V 625
Everlasting Shade Epic V 625
Refuge Epic V 625
Tolerant Hound Epic V 625
With No Other Epic V 625
Motherwell Wisher's Coin Epic V 625
Oath of the Pacifist Epic V 625
Siren's Glissando Epic V 625
Stability of the Mountain Epic V 625
Tempered Disruption Epic V 625
Unrelenting Mercy Epic V 625
Weary Traveler Epic V 625
Immutable Resolve Epic V 625
Divinus Epic V 625
Hourglass Epic V 625
Door of Night Epic V 625
Titanwall Epic V 625
Headbutt Epic V 625
Girdle of Geb Epic V 625
Shield of the Montukahl Epic V 625
Maat's Scale Epic V 625
Aegis of the Father Epic V 625
Stefna Epic V 625
Helm of the Forgotten Legion Epic V 625
Horrific Skullcap Epic V 625