Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Spiritreaper Epic IV 500
Night Feast Epic IV 500
Unending Anguish Epic IV 500
Wraithkeeper Epic IV 500
Soulstriker Epic IV 500
Hollow Reality Epic IV 500
Bane of Shadows Epic IV 500
Zealous Rage Epic IV 500
Ghastly Grief Epic IV 500
Dusktide Epic IV 500
Darkshell Epic IV 500
Hunger for Power Epic IV 500
Vicious Drain Epic IV 500
Umbral Iron Epic IV 500
Cutting Cruelty Epic IV 500
Raging Spirit Epic IV 500
Great Desolation Epic IV 500
Dark Drifter Epic IV 500
Lightcrusher Epic IV 500
Torn Veil Epic IV 500
Sinister Reach Epic IV 500
Desperate Plea Epic IV 500
Wretched Grasp Epic IV 500
Dire Fate Epic IV 500
Vast Anguish Epic IV 500
Malevolent Might Epic IV 500
Shadow Tempest Epic IV 500
A Terrible Echo Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Weeping Rage Can be crafted Epic IV 500
New Moon's Curse Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Legion Void Gauntlet
Common V 500-600
Julian Void Gauntlet
Common V 500-600
Complex Conqueror's Void Gauntlet
Common V 500-600
The Pharaoh's Void Gauntlet of the Sage Epic V 500-600
Complex Conqueror's Void Gauntlet of the Mage
Uncommon V 500-600
Nightveil Void Gauntlet of the Scholar Can be crafted
Rare V 500-600
Orichalcum Void Gauntlet of the Soldier Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Orichalcum Void Gauntlet of the Ranger Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Orichalcum Void Gauntlet of the Scholar Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Orichalcum Void Gauntlet of the Sage Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Orichalcum Void Gauntlet of the Sentry Can be crafted
Uncommon V 500-600
Judgement Day Epic IV 435
Disciple of the Void Epic IV 435
Cruel Defiance Epic IV 435
Ghostkeeper Epic IV 435
Soul Spice Rare III 400
Surging Hatred Can be crafted Rare III 400
Vile Mercy Can be crafted Rare III 400
Piercing Cold Rare III 350
Essence of the Void Rare III 350