Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Inevitable Desolation Legendary V 625
Heaven's Rift Legendary V 625
Tarnished Soul Legendary V 625
Murky Waters Legendary V 625
Immortal Abyss Legendary V 625
Silent Grief Legendary V 625
Swiftshadow Legendary V 625
Deadfist Legendary V 625
Voidmist Legendary V 625
Call of the Void Legendary V 625
Mortifying Clutch Legendary V 625
Wine Dark Night Legendary V 625
Starless Sky Legendary V 625
Wretched Grip Legendary V 625
Empty Conscience Legendary V 625
Reign of Darkness Legendary V 625
Nothingness Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Frozen Shadow Legendary V 625
Mormo Legendary V 625
Grasp of Ammit Legendary V 625
Hand That Feeds Legendary V 625
Tortuous Inferos Legendary V 625
Hand of the Primus Legendary V 625
Jaws of Oblivion Legendary V 625
Chiromancer's Palm Legendary V 625
Infinite Chaos Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Blackguard's Void Gauntlet Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Grasp Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Claw of Orcus Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Dreadscream Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Grip of Decay Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Voidstealer Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Scourge of the Depths Can be crafted Legendary V 625
The Hand Reward from quest Legendary V 615
Soulcrusher Can be crafted Epic V 600
Master Void Mage's Gauntlet Can be crafted Epic V 600
Empty Promise Can be crafted Epic V 600
Nightveil Void Gauntlet of the Scholar Can be crafted
Legendary V 600-600
Eater of Souls Legendary V 590
Ravenous Cruelty Epic IV 500
Mad Sacrifice Epic IV 500
Null Energy Epic IV 500
Venomous Spite Epic IV 500
Sinister Sacrifice Epic IV 500
Decaying Greed Epic IV 500
Putrid Pit Epic IV 500
Hand of Fate Epic IV 500
Fading Light Epic IV 500
Echo of Souls Epic IV 500
Boneharvest Epic IV 500