Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Shivering Stance Legendary V 625
Tempo Legendary V 625
Energy Drain Legendary V 625
Grip of Truth Legendary V 625
Dismemberment Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Fighter's Blade Legendary V 625
Self-Reflection Legendary V 625
Putrefaction Legendary V 625
Personal Accountability Legendary V 625
Fleeting Strike Legendary V 625
Mediumsword Legendary V 625
Flame of Progress Legendary V 625
Rampage Legendary V 625
Craftsman's Passion Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Corrupted Cratermaker Legendary V 625
Herdmaster's Rod Legendary V 625
Reflection of Aker Legendary V 625
Sacred Threshold Legendary V 625
Horizon Line Legendary V 625
Jupiter's Judgement Legendary V 625
Dogstar's Tooth Legendary V 625
Entlimb Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Liveliness Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Parry Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Voidsword Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Blackguard's Greatsword Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Berserker's Sword Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Afterthought Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Wodao Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Bloodblade Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Song of the Sea Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Firewood Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Legate's Pride Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Hunting Blade Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Hybris Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Dusktear Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Bonewrecker Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Crosshack Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Unyielding Cleaver Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Sclerite Tusk Legendary V 625
Hesperian Greatsword
Common V 625-650
Blade of the 19th Reward from quest Legendary V 620
Devourer's Tooth Legendary V 615
Blade of the 19th Legendary V 610
Nightveil Greatsword of the Ranger Can be crafted
Legendary V 600-600
Cold Calamity of the Soldier Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Cold Calamity of the Ranger Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Cold Calamity of the Scholar Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Cold Calamity of the Sage Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Cold Calamity of the Sentry Can be crafted Legendary V 600