Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Dynasty's Rise Epic IV 500
Earthspike Epic IV 500
Forester's Pike Epic IV 500
Forward Progress Epic IV 500
Graverobber's Spear Epic IV 500
Heir's Domain Epic IV 500
Hulking Spear Epic IV 500
Icewrought Pike Epic IV 500
Invader's Will Epic IV 500
Leandra's Demise Epic IV 500
Living Spear Epic IV 500
Marooned Mariner's Spear Epic IV 500
Piercing Flame Epic IV 500
Pike of the Grand Duelist Epic IV 500
Sentinel Captain's Spear Epic IV 500
Shattered Shaft Epic IV 500
Spear of the Elder Shaman Epic IV 500
Spear of the Lost Queen Epic IV 500
Temple Explorer's Pike Epic IV 500
Tendril of the Breach Epic IV 500
The Surgeon's Scalpel Epic IV 500
Truestrike Epic IV 500
Wildwood Spear Epic IV 500
Farseer's Spear Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Stormbound Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Harbinger Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Mossborne Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Bone Wrought Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Befouled Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Gleaming Pitch Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
The Pharaoh's Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Pirated Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Molten Spear of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Hellfire Spear of the Ranger
Rare V 500-600
Overgrown Spear of the Ranger
Rare V 500-600
Eternal Spear of the Ranger
Rare V 500-600
Icebound Spear of the Ranger
Rare V 500-600
Nightveil Spear of the Ranger Can be crafted
Rare V 500-600
Conscript's Spear of the Ranger
Uncommon V 500-600
Champion's Spear of the Ranger
Uncommon V 500-600
Primordial Spear
Uncommon V 500-600
Exhilarating Breach Closer's Spear of the Cavalier
Uncommon V 500-600
Invasion Spear of the Ranger
Uncommon V 500-600
Opportunistic Wavetossed Shanty of the Cavalier
Uncommon V 500-600
Arboreal Dryad Spear
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
Uncommon V 500-600
War Spear of the Ranger (War)
Uncommon V 500-600
Conqueror's Reach (Outpost Rush)
Uncommon V 500-600
Lazarus Watcher Spear
Uncommon V 500-600