Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Warforged Compact Battlebow Legendary V 500-600
Nightveil Bow of the Ranger Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Blizzard's Fury of the Soldier Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Blizzard's Fury of the Ranger Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Blizzard's Fury of the Scholar Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Blizzard's Fury of the Sage Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Blizzard's Fury of the Sentry Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Conscript's Bow of the Ranger
Epic V 500-600
Omen Epic IV 500
Named Dryads Bow Of the Dryad and Dryad Epic IV 500
Taste of Grief Epic IV 500
Longbow of the Arcane Eye Can be crafted Epic IV 500
The Huntress Epic IV 500
Frostfever Epic IV 500
Siren's Call Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Watchful Eye Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Baroness Epic IV 500
Blighted Recurve Epic IV 500
Cure for Rebirth Epic IV 500
Dragonfang Recurve Epic IV 500
Dryad's Chosen Bow Epic IV 500
Foresight of the Elders Epic IV 500
Forgotten Ranger's Recurve Epic IV 500
Gravewatcher Epic IV 500
Herald of the Storm Epic IV 500
Luminous Longbow Epic IV 500
Master Ranger's Maplewood Recurve Epic IV 500
Miserable Guard's Bow Epic IV 500
Moment of Clarity Epic IV 500
On Wings of Song Epic IV 500
Overgrowth Epic IV 500
Pacifist Epic IV 500
Patient Judgement Epic IV 500
Resistance of the Guardians Epic IV 500
Ruined Hopes Epic IV 500
Secret Atrocity Epic IV 500
Sundershot Epic IV 500
Sylvan Grace Epic IV 500
Tempest's Call Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Bow of the Enchantress Can be crafted Epic IV 500
The Huntress Epic IV 500
Ragebearer's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Mistwalker's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Doomsinger's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Harbinger's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Fanatic's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Bondsman's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Ophan's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Invasion Bow of the Ranger
Epic V 500-600
Stormbound Bow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600