
Epic • Named Bow Tier IV
Item Gear Score
74 Base Damage 7.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier 38.0 Block Stamina Damage 38.0 Stagger Damage
90 thrust Damage 90 Ice Damage

"A boiling fever overtook him. Ironic, that he should die like this in such a cold place."

Bind On Pickup Named Item Tier IV Scales With: DEX 100% 6.0 Weight 2750 Durability Requirement: Level 45
Gives 1.50
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Invasion Drop (?)

Our data suggests that this item drops from invasions, but we don't have enough data to be 100% certain.

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Ezio YT

x2Wolf < Can confirm 50 - 59* Only open the Cache only "BOW" Equipped ! NO MORE, NO LESS.. NO ARMOR, TRINKETS, NO SECOND WEAPON, NO SHIELD EQUIPPED.. ONLY BOW!


Character has to be level 51-59 and is dropped from an invasion cache, make sure to just have a bow equipped nothing else when you open the cache so that loot bias gives it to you, I got mine first try with this method.

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