Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Spriggan Slicer Legendary V 500-600
Swan Song Legendary V 500-600
When They Come Legendary V 500-600
Nightveil Rapier of the Ranger Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Tip of the Iceberg of the Soldier Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Tip of the Iceberg of the Ranger Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Tip of the Iceberg of the Scholar Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Tip of the Iceberg of the Sage Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Tip of the Iceberg of the Sentry Can be crafted
Legendary V 500-600
Conscript's Rapier of the Ranger
Epic V 500-600
Hallowed Rapier Epic IV 500
Rootspike Epic IV 500
Tuskgorer Epic IV 500
Cruel Delight Epic IV 500
Swiftstrike Blade Epic IV 500
Archmage's Steel Wand Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Friend of Darkness Epic IV 500
Tactician's Rapier Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Wicked Watcher's Rapier Epic IV 500
Feral Demeanor Epic IV 500
Tearsteal Rapier Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Philippe's Poker Epic IV 500
Ageless Blade Epic IV 500
Barnacle Crusted Blade Epic IV 500
Blazing Rapier Epic IV 500
Cherished Memory Epic IV 500
Consecrated Rapier Epic IV 500
Crimson Guard Epic IV 500
Cutwater Rapier Epic IV 500
Cyclopian Eye Gouger Epic IV 500
Fallen Star Epic IV 500
Forever Mourning Epic IV 500
Forsworn Rapier Epic IV 500
Iced Slicer Epic IV 500
Keeper's Rapier Epic IV 500
Lieutenant General's Blade Epic IV 500
Manskewer Epic IV 500
Rapier of the New Dynasty Epic IV 500
Void-Forged Rapier Epic IV 500
Wailing Blade Epic IV 500
Wingslicer Epic IV 500
Woodsman's Rapier Epic IV 500
Contrition Epic IV 500
Rapier of Forgotten Queens Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Invasion Rapier of the Ranger
Epic V 500-600
Stormbound Rapier of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Harbinger Rapier of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Mossborne Rapier of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Bone Wrought Rapier of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Befouled Rapier of the Ranger Epic V 500-600