Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Rufus' Throwstick Epic IV 500
Feast of Blood Epic IV 500
Dreadwake Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Accursed End Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Common V 500-600
Ragebearer's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Mistwalker's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Doomsinger's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Harbinger's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Fanatic's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Bondsman's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Ophan's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Primordial Hatchet
Uncommon V 500-600
Defiled Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Forsaken Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Ancient Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Primeval Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Soaked Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Defiled Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Legion Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Varangian Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Common V 500-600
Crystalline Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Dryad Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Talon of the Detestable
Common V 500-600
Thunder's Charge
Common V 500-600
Common V 500-600
Julian Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Monstrum Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Ancient Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Lazarus Watcher Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Garden Keeper Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Complex Conqueror's Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Corrupted Heart Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Empyrean Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Nereid Hatchet
Common V 500-600
Exhilarating Breach Closer's Hatchet of the Fighter
Uncommon V 500-600
Invasion Hatchet of the Soldier
Uncommon V 500-600
Opportunistic Storm Chorus of the Fighter
Uncommon V 500-600
Arboreal Dryad Hatchet
Uncommon V 500-600
Stormbound Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Harbinger Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Mossborne Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Bone Wrought Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Befouled Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Gleaming Pitch Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
The Pharaoh's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Pirated Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Molten Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Shipyard Sentinel Hatchet
Common V 500-600