| Shards Like Glowing Embers |
| Hidden Treasures |
| Bountiful Harvest |
| A Better Life |
| Noble Fools |
| Not The Brightest Spark |
| A Cautionary Tale |
| Whispers of Mutiny |
| Northward Bound |
| An Enticing Offer |
| A New Perspective |
| Purchased Loyalty |
| Abaia Serpe |
| Bread as Bait |
| Woodlouse Invasion |
| Food Troubles Aboard Le Caraquon |
| Captain's Roster |
| Manifest of Le Coraquon |
| A Coward's Farewell |
| Have You Heard…? |
| Have You Seen…? |
| Queen in Emerald |
| A New Dancer Takes the Stage |
| Infected With Humming |
| Acquiring the Book |
| What Dreams May Come |
| Ichabod’s Questions |
| The Dancers |
| Who is the Queen in Emerald? |
| A Question in the Dark |
| The Dancing Plague |
| Preludes and Inkhorns |
| Silence |
| The Music of the Green |
| Harken and Beware |
| Night of the Hunt |
| Tribute and Reparations |
| Offer from the Speaker |
| Notice of Breach of Contract |
| Change of Plans |
| The Song of the Spheres |
| A Close Encounter |
| The Baffling Buffalo |
| Recruitment Flyer |
| The Commander's Beacon |
| Commander Merrill's Letter |
| The Iron Creed |
| Ella’s Song, Verse 3 |
| Ella’s Song, Verse 2 |
| Ella’s Song, Verse 1 |