Commander Merrill's Letter

Page #2
Part of the following chapter The Iron Rose #19
To all recruits

The Creed is not a polite suggestion. It is a code of behavior that every man of every faith must know and respect. I expect you to learn it; to believe it. And if you don’t, you can pack up your iron and go straight back to peddling your swordarm in the local marketplace. Any company can teach you to kill – without mercy and without exception. In the Iron Rose we hold ourselves to a different standard. A better standard. One of fair, but firm, adherence to the laws we are sworn to uphold, and above all, to the Creed. THAT is what our clients pay for. If I ask you to recite the creed at any time, you DO IT. I don’t care if there is a knife at your throat or an enemy at the gates, if you fumble or stammer in any way, you WILL BE out of the company. Is that clear? -Commander Elaina Merrill