| Karburg's Poetry | Tales of Weaver's Fen | 1 |
| The Words of the Wizard | Tales of Edengrove | 4 |
| A Doomed Expedition | Tales of Edengrove | 9 |
| Common Concerns | Tales of Edengrove | 8 |
| Morgaine's Journal | Tales of Edengrove | 7 |
| Sun Fuchun's Chronicle | Tales of Edengrove | 6 |
| Wyldwood Water | Tales of Edengrove | 5 |
| Davies' Field Notes | Tales of Edengrove | 3 |
| Wincroft's Journal | Tales of Edengrove | 1 |
| The Ever Night Letters | Tales of Edengrove | 2 |
| The Fur Trade | Tales of Restless Shore | 9 |
| Lady Fathom | Tales of Restless Shore | 10 |
| O'Connor's Triumphs | Tales of Restless Shore | 8 |
| Eternal Resting Place | Tales of Restless Shore | 7 |
| Eternal Conflict | Tales of Restless Shore | 6 |
| Boar Takeover | Tales of Restless Shore | 5 |
| Rabbit Reads | Tales of Restless Shore | 4 |
| Fangsnap's Reign | Tales of Restless Shore | 3 |
| Pirate's Life | Tales of Restless Shore | 2 |
| Life Outside the Settlement | Tales of Restless Shore | 1 |
| Brimstone Children's Tales | Blood Of The Sands | 4 |
| Malek's Mischief | Blood Of The Sands | 3 |
| Kings of the Desert | Blood Of The Sands | 2 |
| Almabi's Journal | Blood Of The Sands | 1 |
| Soulwardens' Epitaph | Tales of the Soulwardens | 3 |
| Isabella's Fall | Tales of the Soulwardens | 4 |
| Go On Without Me | Tales of the Soulwardens | 1 |
| The Siege of Arcturus | Path of the Soulwarden | 3 |
| The Oath of the Old Warrior | Path of the Soulwarden | 2 |
| Old Stone Remembers | Path of the Soulwarden | 1 |
| Signets of the Beast Lords | Tales of Elysian Wilds | 1 |
| Gladys, the Questing Bass | The Fisher Regent | 1 |
| The Soulwarden's Oath | Legacy | 2 |
| The Spire of Melpomene | Legendary Hikes of Aeternum | 1 |
| Laura Marie Charron | Tales of Memorials | 1 |
| Riding Masters of Aeternum | Of Riders & Races | 1 |
| Springtide Village | Springtide Bloom | 1 |
| Monarch's Bluffs Summer Village | Summer Medleyfaire | 4 |
| Weaver's Fen Summer Village | Summer Medleyfaire | 3 |
| Brightwood Summer Village | Summer Medleyfaire | 2 |
| Everfall Summer Village | Summer Medleyfaire | 1 |
| Brimstone Monuments | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 33 |
| The Romans' Journey | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 32 |
| Age of the Pharaoh | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 31 |
| Prayers and Portents | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 30 |
| Favorites | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 29 |
| Desert Thorns | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 28 |
| Desert Lights | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 27 |
| Trial of the Devourer | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 26 |
| The Huntress | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 25 |