| Bringer | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 24 |
| Dune Phantoms | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 23 |
| Scorpion's Cradle | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 22 |
| Pious Echoes | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 21 |
| The Legion's Tale | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 20 |
| The Priest's Tale | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 19 |
| The Great Architect | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 18 |
| The Book of Gates | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 17 |
| Head of the Snake | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 6 |
| Charmion's Journal | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 7 |
| Trouble for the Praetorians | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 1 |
| The Ancient Glyphs | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 16 |
| Roar of the Manticore | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 2 |
| A Pilgrim's Diary | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 15 |
| The Woes of an Amateur Antiquarian | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 14 |
| Consigned to Oblivion | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 13 |
| Froderico's Notes | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 12 |
| Opening the Way | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 11 |
| Ammit's Hunger | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 10 |
| The Vigil Eternal | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 9 |
| Ultimate Intentions | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 5 |
| Transmutation | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 8 |
| A Blaze of Glory | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 4 |
| The Hydra's Breath | Tales of Brimstone Sands | 3 |
| @TalesofExpeditions_Chapter_11 | Tales of Expeditions | 11 |
| Hive of the Gorgons | Tales of Expeditions | 10 |
| Glacial Tarn | Tales of Expeditions | 9 |
| The Empyrean Forge | Tales of Expeditions | 8 |
| Barnacles and Black Powder | Tales of Expeditions | 7 |
| Tempest's Heart | Tales of Expeditions | 6 |
| The Depths | Tales of Expeditions | 5 |
| Starstone Barrows | Tales of Expeditions | 4 |
| Lazarus Instrumentality | Tales of Expeditions | 3 |
| Dynasty Shipyard | Tales of Expeditions | 2 |
| Garden of Genesis | Tales of Expeditions | 1 |
| The Vendetta | Tales of the Sea | 2 |
| The Stormwall | Tales of the Sea | 1 |
| Daichi | Tales of the Silver Crows | 1 |
| Runes | Tales of Winter | 5 |
| Jehan | Tales of Winter | 4 |
| Idris | Tales of Winter | 3 |
| Artorius | Tales of Winter | 2 |
| Mordred | Tales of Winter | 1 |
| Unbridled Strength | Tales of An Island Divided | 5 |
| Information Retrieval | Tales of An Island Divided | 4 |
| Corrupted Grimoire | Tales of An Island Divided | 3 |
| The Three Factions | Tales of An Island Divided | 2 |
| A Question of Faith | Tales of An Island Divided | 1 |
| Lord Commander Attalus, Attalus' Foundry | The Varangian Knights | 11 |
| Sir Halfdan the Smith, Attalus' Foundry | The Varangian Knights | 10 |