Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
The Eye of Pithe Amulet Legendary V 500-600
Scarab Rejuvenation Crystal Legendary V 500-600
Widower's Whisper Legendary V 500-600
Malacite Orb Chain Legendary V 500-600
Diamond Heart Legendary V 500-600
The Mark Legendary V 500-600
Scorpion Stone Legendary V 500-600
Silver Leaf Legendary V 500-600
Thorn Legendary V 500-600
Beginning Legendary V 500-600
Propergate Legendary V 500-600
The Dragonfly Legendary V 500-600
Signet Ring of the Forger Legendary V 500-600
Demon's Oracle Signet Ring Legendary V 500-600
Band of The Blessed Stag Epic V 500-600
Hoop of Hooter's Watch Epic V 500-600
Ring of Seadog's Watch Legendary V 500-600
Band of The Lost Pearl Legendary V 500-600
Saint Hernigus' Crystal Signet Legendary V 500-600
Victor's Maestro Ring Epic V 500-600
Band of The Fallen Angel Epic V 500-600
The Incubus Hoop Legendary V 500-600
Pedal Legendary V 500-600
Halona's Halo Mascot Legendary V 500-600
Miner's Excavation Token Legendary V 500-600
The Fang of Fortuity Epic V 500-600
Seeker's Found Mascot Epic V 500-600
The Faustina Charm Legendary V 500-600
The Edmund's Squire Token Legendary V 500-600
Felix Follow Token Legendary V 500-600
Evangeline Prophecy Hook Legendary V 500-600
Chardis' Chestwrap Legendary V 500-600
Chardis' Headdress Legendary V 500-600
Chardis' Legwraps Legendary V 500-600
Chardis' Footwraps Legendary V 500-600
Chardis' Handwraps Legendary V 500-600
Energizing Charm Legendary V 500-600
Crown of Cruelty Rare IV 500
Blademaster's Harness Rare IV 500
Crushing Grips Rare IV 500
Malchezar's Legguards Rare IV 500
Waterwalkers Rare IV 500
Archon's Headdress Epic IV 500
Truthbearer's Leather Chestguard Epic IV 500
Hands of the Gods Epic IV 500
Fireproof Leggings Epic IV 500
Karl's Dancing Shoes Epic IV 500
Helm of a Thousand Whispers Epic IV 500
Surgeon's Gown Epic IV 500
Void Nullifying Gloves Epic IV 500