Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Soleminzer's Boots
Common V 500-600
Idolater's Cowl
Common V 500-600
Idolater's Shirt
Common V 500-600
Idolater's Gloves
Common V 500-600
Idolater's Pants
Common V 500-600
Idolater's Shoes
Common V 500-600
Prestige Shatterer's Crown
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Shatterer's Breastplate
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Shatterer's Heavy Gauntlets
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Shatterer's Greaves
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Shatterer's Heavy Boots
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Solemnizer's Headdress
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Solemnizer's Breastguard
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Solemnizer's Gloves
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Solemnizer's Leggings
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Solemnizer's Boots
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Idolater's Cowl
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Idolater's Shirt
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Idolater's Gloves
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Idolater's Pants
Uncommon V 500-600
Prestige Idolater's Shoes
Uncommon V 500-600
Helm of the Bear Epic V 500-600
Baleful Protector Epic V 500-600
Crusading Purpose Epic V 500-600
Thighwyrd Epic V 500-600
Heavy Metal Slips Epic V 500-600
Bergan's Gaze Epic V 500-600
Dragatacht Epic V 500-600
Footman's Grips Epic V 500-600
The March Epic V 500-600
The White Shoes Epic V 500-600
The Solemn Cowl Epic V 500-600
Darix Epic V 500-600
Grasping Futility Epic V 500-600
Enchanting Tights Epic V 500-600
Supplicant's Shoes Epic V 500-600
Conscript's Earring
Common V 500-600
Conscript's Ring
Common V 500-600
Conscript's Amulet
Common V 500-600
Champion's Earring Epic V 500-600
Champion's Ring Epic V 500-600
Champion's Amulet Epic V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Plate Helm
Common V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Plate Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Plate Gauntlets
Common V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Plate Greaves
Common V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Plate Boots
Common V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Scout Helm
Common V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Scout Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Brutish Orichalcum Scout Gauntlets
Common V 500-600