| Expedition Captain's Helm | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Expedition Captain's Sabatons | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Expedition Captain's Gauntlets | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Siren's Headwear | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Siren's Thighguards | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Siren's Boots | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Siren's Gloves | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Admiral's Petticoat | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Admiral's Tricorn Cap | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Admiral's Pantaloons | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Admiral's Claw | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sun Lord's Headdress | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sun Lord's Skirt | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sun Lord's Boots | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sun Lord's Gloves | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Aureate's Golden Lorica Segmentata | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Aureate's Golden Braccae | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Aureate's Golden Caligae | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Aureate's Golden Manica | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Herald's Finger Curse | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Oath of Abiogenesis | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Signet of the Swamp | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Ecnelovelam's Yvne | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Unholy Silence of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Protector's Vindication of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Burden of Despair of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Carved Mask of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Carved Mask of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 600-625 |
| Signet Ring of the Forger | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Helm | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Breastplate | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Gauntlets | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Greaves | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Boots | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Leather Hat | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Leather Coat | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Leather Gloves | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Leather Pants | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Leather Boots | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Cloth Hat | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Cloth Shirt | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Cloth Gloves | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Cloth Pants | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Sprigganbane Cloth Boots | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Mossborne Helm | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Mossborne Plate | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Mossborne Gauntlets | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Mossborne Cuisses | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Mossborne Greaves | | Legendary | V | 600 |
| Mossborne Headgear | | Legendary | V | 600 |