Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Arcanebound Breastplate Epic V 625
Reaver's Nimble Armor Epic V 625
Chestguard of the Royal Assassin Epic V 625
Ogreskin Chestguard Epic V 625
Chestguard of the Seventh Hell Epic V 625
Navigator's Tunic Epic V 625
Champion's Reinforced Gloves Epic V 625
Myrkgaardian's Legguards Epic V 625
Basilisk Skin Legguards Epic V 625
Reinforced Myrmidon's Boots Epic V 625
Well Worn Traveler's Boots Epic V 625
Cultist's Ritual Hood Epic V 625
Archmage's Cap Epic V 625
Vestments of Undying Loyalty Epic V 625
Robe of Void Empowerment Epic V 625
Lightweight Vestments Epic V 625
Elementalist's Robes Epic V 625
Tunic of Shamanistic Courage Epic V 625
Heretic's Robes Epic V 625
Prophetic Gloves Epic V 625
Spellspeaker's Legguards Epic V 625
Silky Legguards Epic V 625
Boots of Channeled Energy Epic V 625
Gold Embroidered Boots Epic V 625
Hoop of The Cursed Son Epic V 625
Band of The Blessed Stag Epic V 625
Hoop of Hooter's Watch Epic V 625
Victor's Maestro Ring Epic V 625
Band of The Fallen Angel Epic V 625
Dune Maxillae Epic V 625
Dune Tagma Epic V 625
Dune Arolium Epic V 625
Dune Podomere Epic V 625
Dune Euplantula Epic V 625
Sandlion Mandibles Epic V 625
Sandlion Carapace Epic V 625
Sandlion Claws Epic V 625
Sandlion Coxa Epic V 625
Sandlion Tarsus Epic V 625
Silken Litham Epic V 625
Silken Cocoon Epic V 625
Silken Barbs Epic V 625
Silken Femora Epic V 625
Silken Cerci Epic V 625
Amulet of Shah Neshen Epic V 625
Ring of Shah Neshen Epic V 625
Earring of Shah Neshen Epic V 625
Prestige Shatterer's Crown
Uncommon V 625-690
Prestige Shatterer's Breastplate
Uncommon V 625-690
Prestige Shatterer's Heavy Gauntlets
Uncommon V 625-690