Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Quickdraw Gloves Artifact V 700-700
Koya's Knee Guards Artifact V 700-700
Tumbler Feetwraps Artifact V 700-700
Endless Thirst Artifact V 700-700
Blooddrinker Artifact V 700-700
Lost Stopwatch Artifact V 700-700
Ankh Artifact V 700-700
Survivor's Coat Can be crafted Artifact V 700-700
Gilli's Gravity Gauntlets Artifact V 700-700
Ironheart Artifact V 700-700
Nature's Wrath Artifact V 700-700
Ghostly Touch Can be crafted Artifact V 700-700
Azoth Conductors Artifact V 700-700
Cowl of Power Artifact V 700-700
Creed Boots Artifact V 700-700
Justice Artifact V 700-700
Elemental Band Artifact V 700-700
Phoenix Artifact V 700-700
Malevolent Defender of the Sage Legendary V 700
Sclerite Faceguard
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Covering
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Claws
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Leggings
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Boots
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Helmet
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Plate
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Gauntlets
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Greaves
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Sabatons
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Visor
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Uniform
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Gloves
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Britches
Legendary V 700-710
Sclerite Jackboots
Legendary V 700-710
Dune Maxillae Legendary V 700-710
Dune Tagma Legendary V 700-710
Dune Arolium Legendary V 700-710
Dune Podomere Legendary V 700-710
Dune Euplantula Legendary V 700-710
Sandlion Mandibles Legendary V 700-710
Sandlion Carapace Legendary V 700-710
Sandlion Claws Legendary V 700-710
Sandlion Coxa Legendary V 700-710
Sandlion Tarsus Legendary V 700-710
Silken Litham Legendary V 700-710
Silken Cocoon Legendary V 700-710
Silken Barbs Legendary V 700-710
Silken Femora Legendary V 700-710
Silken Cerci Legendary V 700-710
Amulet of Shah Neshen Can be crafted
Legendary V 700-710