Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Dryad Stalker Coat
Common V 500-600
XIXth Signifer's Cloak
Common V 500-600
Tempest Guard Coat
Common V 500-600
Empyrean Cloak
Common V 500-600
Sailor's Petticoat
Common V 500-600
Bestial Vest
Common V 500-600
Guardian Flanker Shirt
Common V 500-600
Dryad Patroller Shirt
Common V 500-600
XIXth Hunter's Chestcover
Common V 500-600
Tempest Guard Shirt
Common V 500-600
Empyrean Shirt
Common V 500-600
Helmsman's Shirt
Common V 500-600
Bestial Tunic
Common V 500-600
Living Vines Chestpiece
Common V 500-600
Ironwood Chestpiece
Common V 500-600
Crystalline Chestpiece
Common V 500-600
Horus Stoneplate
Common V 500-600
Champion Defender Breastplate
Uncommon V 500-600
Champion Defender Leather Coat
Uncommon V 500-600
Champion Defender Cloth Coat
Uncommon V 500-600
Sprigganbane Breastplate
Rare V 500-600
Sprigganbane Leather Coat
Rare V 500-600
Sprigganbane Cloth Shirt
Rare V 500-600
Sprigganbane Breastplate
Uncommon V 500-600
Sprigganbane Leather Coat
Uncommon V 500-600
Sprigganbane Cloth Shirt
Uncommon V 500-600
Raider Breastplate
Rare V 500-600
Raider Leather Coat
Rare V 500-600
Raider Cloth Coat
Rare V 500-600
Raider Breastplate
Uncommon V 500-600
Raider Leather Coat
Uncommon V 500-600
Raider Cloth Coat
Uncommon V 500-600
Mossborne Plate
Rare V 500-600
Mossbourne Coat
Rare V 500-600
Mossbourne Shirt
Rare V 500-600
Mossborne Plate
Uncommon V 500-600
Mossbourne Coat
Uncommon V 500-600
Mossbourne Shirt
Uncommon V 500-600
Blasphemer Breastplate
Rare V 500-600
Blasphemer Leather Coat
Rare V 500-600
Blasphemer Cloth Coat
Rare V 500-600
Sacrosanct Breastplate
Rare V 500-600
Sacrosanct Leather Coat
Rare V 500-600
Sacrosanct Cloth Coat
Rare V 500-600
Heartgem Avenger's Breastplate of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Heartgem Fanatic's Breastplate of the Sage Epic V 500-600
Heartgem Monarch's Breastplate of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Smyhle Jacket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Smyhle Cloak of the Sage Epic V 500-600
Smyhle Breastplate of the Soldier Epic V 500-600