Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Arcanist Shirt Can be crafted Rare IV 500
Concocter's Coat Can be crafted Epic V 500
Weaponsmith Shirt Can be crafted Rare IV 500
Vengeful Smith Shirt Epic V 500
Chef Shirt Can be crafted Epic V 500
Mixer's Coat Can be crafted Rare V 500
Artisan Jewelcrafter's Tunic Can be crafted Epic V 500
Smelter's Smock Can be crafted Rare V 500
Woodworker's Shirt Can be crafted Rare V 500
Weaver's Shirt Can be crafted Rare V 500
Stonecutter's Shirt Can be crafted Rare V 500
Tanner Shirt Uncommon III 500
Tanner Shirt Can be crafted Epic V 500
Miner Shirt Epic V 500-600
Harvester Shirt Epic V 500-600
Skinner Shirt Epic V 500-600
Lumberjack Shirt Epic V 500-600
Vengeful Fisherman's Smock Can be crafted Epic V 500-600
Legion Lorica
Common V 500-600
Legion Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Legion Sand Cloak
Common V 500-600
Desecrated Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Desecrated Leather Coat
Common V 500-600
Desecrated Cloth Shirt
Common V 500-600
Corrupted Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Corrupted Leather Coat
Common V 500-600
Corrupted Cloth Shirt
Common V 500-600
Immemorial Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Immemorial Leather Coat
Common V 500-600
Immemorial Cloth Shirt
Common V 500-600
Primordial Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Primordial Leather Coat
Common V 500-600
Primordial Cloth Shirt
Common V 500-600
Waterlogged Plate
Common V 500-600
Waterlogged Coat
Common V 500-600
Waterlogged Shirt
Common V 500-600
Julian Lorica
Common V 500-600
Julian Parade Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Julian Sand Cloak
Common V 500-600
Breachwatcher Breastplate
Uncommon V 500-600
Breachwatcher Leather Coat
Uncommon V 500-600
Breachwatcher Cloth Shirt
Uncommon V 500-600
Guardian Plate Chestguard
Common V 500-600
Dryad Guard Breastplate
Common V 500-600
XIXth Guardsman's Musculata
Common V 500-600
Tempest Guard Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Empyrean Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Marine's Breastplate
Common V 500-600
Bestial Chestplate
Common V 500-600
Guardian Spearmarshall Coat
Common V 500-600