| Power Cleaner | Hitting a target with Clear Out grants fortify, increasing armor by 20% for 4s to all friendlies within 6m. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Clean and Refreshed | Clear Out's cooldown is reduced by 5% per enemy hit with the ability. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Swing Away | Using Clear Out on a target grants haste, increasing movement speed by 30% for 4s. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Shockwave | Slam your war hammer into the ground, causing a 3m radius earthquake that deals 60% weapon damage, staggering and stunning all impacted targets for 2s. This ability has grit. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equipped in your war hammer, this ability inflicts taunt for 6s to all enemies hit. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.) | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Active |
| Frailty | The trauma of the attack causes weaken, decreasing the damage dealt from the target's attacks by 10% for 10s. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Meteoric Crater | Expands the range Shockwave to a 4m radius. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Path Of Destiny | A powerful ground strike that erupts a linear wave of energy in front of the player, dealing 70% weapon damage to all targets in its path. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Active |
| Seismic Waves | Path of Destiny now staggers all targets in its path. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Stimulated Reduction | Ability cooldown reduced by 5% for each enemy hit with Path of Destiny. (Max 5 enemies.) | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Outnumbered | Increase armor by 20% if surrounded by 2 or more enemies within 3m. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| I Can Do This All Day | Reduce stamina consumption by 30% when blocking melee attacks. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Guarded Sprint | Reduce damage taken by 10% while sprinting. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Acceleration | Reduce war hammer cooldowns by 7% when using light attacks against targets with an active debuff. (Max 5 reductions per attack.) | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Facilitated Expedition | After hitting a target with an active debuff, gain haste, increasing movement speed by 15% for 3s. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Concussive Impact | Deal 15% increased base damage against targets affected by war hammer debuffs. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Prevailing Spirit | Heal for 35% of damage dealt when using a Crowd Crusher ability. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Resurgence | After 2 light attacks with the war hammer, debuff durations on player are reduced by 25%. (Cooldown 5s.) | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Aftershock | Whenever a target is hit by an ability, they are slowed by 20% for 4s. | War Hammer | Crowd Crusher | Passive |
| Void Blade | Summon a blade of Void energy that converts your ranged light and heavy attacks to melee light and heavy attacks. Tap Basic Attack to perform a quick slash that deals 100% weapon damage or hold to perform a thrust attack that deals 150% weapon damage. Both attacks inflict Disintegrate on successful hits, dealing 5% weapon damage per second and reducing target's armor by 10% for 8s and stacks up to 3 times. Costs 5 mana. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Active |
| Fortified Blade | Gain fortify on start, increasing armor by 20% for 5s. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Vicious Void | +10% critical damage on Void Blade attacks. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Leeching Blade | Successful thrust attacks heal self for 5% weapon damage per Disintegrate stack on target. (Healing scales exclusively with Focus.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Oblivion | Summon a 5m radius circular rift of Void energy at your feet for 6s that deals 28% weapon damage per second to enemies and grants empower to self and friendlies, increasing damage by 15%. (This effect cannot be dispelled.) Costs 25 mana. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Active |
| Withering Oblivion | Attacking targets that are inside Oblivion's radius inflict weaken, reducing their damage by 5% for 5s per hit. (Stacks up to 3 times.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Invigorating Oblivion | +25% stamina regen rate for self and friendlies while inside the radius. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Petrifying Scream | Unleash a Void-infused scream, dealing 65% weapon damage, staggering and inflicting root to enemies 5m in front of you. Disables enemy movement for 2s. Costs 25 mana. Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equipped in your void gauntlet, hits with this ability inflict taunt for 4s. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Active |
| Bone-chilling Voice | Root duration increased by 1s on targets below 50% health. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Fortifying Echoes | Gain fortify for each enemy hit, increasing armor by 10% for 10s per hit. (Stacks up to 3 times.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Forsaken Pact | +10% damage while above 50% mana. While below 50% mana, heavy attacks will restore 5% of your max mana on hit. (Can only be triggered once every 0.5s.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Keen Confidence | +10% critical chance while above 50% health. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Keen Humility | +10% critical chance while all abilities are on cooldown. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Refreshing Precision | +5% cooldown reduction on all abilities on critical hit. (Can only be triggered once every 0.5s.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Empowering Proximity | Gain empower when casting abilities within 5m of an enemy, increasing damage by 10% for 5s. (Stacks up to 3 times.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Efficient Harvest | Harvest Essence health drain is reduced by 35%. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Leeching Agony | On critical hit, heal equal to 15% of damage done. | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Refreshing Frailty | +5% cooldown reduction on all abilities when successfully hitting enemies afflicted by 3 or more debuff stacks. (Stacks can be from different debuffs.) (Max 5 hits per attack.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Voidcaller | On successful ability hit, gain a stack of Void Essence. At 6 stacks, consume all stacks and gain a 3m aura that heals self and friendlies for 30% weapon damage and deals 30% weapon damage per second to enemies within. 5s duration. (Healing scales exclusively with Focus.) (20s cooldown.) (This effect cannot be dispelled.) | Void Gauntlet | Annihilation | Passive |
| Orb of Decay | Fire an unblockable orb that passes through enemies, deals 90% weapon damage, and an additional 20% base damage to hostile AI targets. Successful hits inflict Disintegrate, dealing 5% weapon damage per second and reducing target's armor by 10% for 8s. (Stacks up to 3 times.) At max range, it transforms into a healing orb and returns, healing friendlies for 20% weapon damage per second for 5s. (Healing scales exclusively with Focus.) Costs 16 mana. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Active |
| Draining Orb | Gain 5% mana per enemy hit by the orb. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Slowing Orb | The orb slows enemies already afflicted by any debuff, reducing their movement speed by 30% for 3s. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Detonating Orb | Press the ability input again to detonate the orb with a 4m explosion radius. Depending on the orb's phase, the explosion will either damage enemies for 70% weapon damage, and an additional 30% base damage to hostile AI targets, and apply a stack of Disintegrate, or heal friendlies for 70% weapon damage. (Healing scales exclusively with Focus.) | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Baleful Tether | Fire a projectile dealing 100% weapon damage that tethers you to an enemy for 10s, weakening it and empowering you by 20%. The tether ends early if the target moves beyond 20m. Costs 20 mana. (Baleful Tether's Empower and Weaken can not be dispelled, and the tether remains active after weapon swap.) | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Active |
| Tethered Refresh | Successful hits against the tethered target reduce other Void Gauntlet cooldowns by 5%. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Tethered Focus | +200% mana regeneration while the tether is active. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Soul Eater | Heal for 80% weapon damage when the tether ends or is broken. (Healing scales exclusively with Focus.) | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Essence Rupture | Fire a projectile dealing 100% weapon damage, and an additional 25% base damage to hostile AI targets, that inflicts Essence Rupture for 10s, healing anyone that hits the target for 20% of the damage done. (Does not apply to damage-over-time or damage done to inanimate objects.) Costs 18 mana. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Active |
| Invigorating Rupture | Allies additionally receive 15 stamina when hitting the afflicted target. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Overflowing Essence | Friendlies within 4m of the afflicted target are healed for 80% of your weapon damage when Essence Rupture ends or the target is killed. (Healing scales exclusively with Focus.) | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Deadly Range | +10% base damage on successful ranged basic attacks against targets with an active debuff. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |
| Fervent Thirst | +5% mana per successful ranged basic attack against targets afflicted by your Void Gauntlet debuffs. | Void Gauntlet | Decay | Passive |