| Swiftness | Gain 3% haste for 4s on rapier hits. Can stack up to 5 times. (Haste increases movement speed.) | Rapier | Grace | Passive |
| Desperation | Deal 10% more base damage when your stamina is below 40%. | Rapier | Grace | Passive |
| Momentum | Deal 30% increased base damage on your next light or heavy attack after performing an ability. Ends on hit or after 3s. | Rapier | Grace | Passive |
| Red Curtains | Critical strikes reduce all cooldowns by 5%. (0.26 cooldown.) | Rapier | Grace | Passive |
| Javelin | Throw your spear, dealing 80% weapon damage and staggering on hit. | Spear | Zoner | Active |
| Forceful Impact | Targets are knocked down on hit. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Refreshing Precision | Headshots reduce Javelin's cooldown by 25%. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Deadly Distance | Javelin deals 2.5% bonus damage per meter traveled. (Max 100%.) | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Sweep | Sweep the target's legs, dealing 45% weapon damage and causing a knock down. | Spear | Zoner | Active |
| Tenacious Sweep | Grit is now active during the attack. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Coup de Grâce | Reactivate this ability or use basic attack during Sweep to follow up with a heavy stab that deals 150% weapon damage. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Cyclone | Perform a spin attack that deals 165% weapon damage to targets within a 3m radius, and applies a 30% slow for 3s. This ability has grit. (Slow reduces target's movement speed.) (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equipped in your spear, hits with this ability inflict taunt for 2s. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.) | Spear | Zoner | Active |
| Invigorating Combo | Restore 25 stamina per target hit. (2 targets max.) | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Strong Momentum | Cyclone now pushes the target back 3m. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Deadly Consistency | Deal 10% increased base damage on consecutive heavy attacks against a single target. (Max 3 stacks.) | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Deadly Reach | Critical chance is increased by 10% when attacking targets that are at least 3m away. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Refreshing Reach | Successful heavy attacks reduce all spear cooldowns by 15%. (Max 1 reduction per attack.) | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Evasive Maneuvers | Your next dodge consumes 20% less stamina for 2s after a successful hit. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Invigorating Crits | Stamina Regen Rate increased by 30% for 3s after a critical hit. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Merciless Strength | Deal 25% increased base damage against knocked down targets. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Defensive Stance | Gain fortify after successful heavy attacks, increasing armor by 15% for 2s. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Strong Conditioning | Stamina regeneration rate is increased by 30% when your stamina is below 50%. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Reserved Strength | Deal 25% increased base damage while stamina is full. | Spear | Zoner | Passive |
| Skewer | Rush forward and skewer your target, dealing 125% weapon damage and applying bleed. Bleed deals 20% weapon damage every 1s for 10s. | Spear | Impaler | Active |
| Deadly Ambush | Skewer deals 20% increased base damage against targets that have full health. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Follow Through | Gain empower if Skewer critical hits, increasing damage by 20% for 10s. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Deep Wound | Bleed duration increased to 15s. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Perforate | Execute 3 quick piercing strikes that each deal 80% weapon damage and inflicts the target with 5% rend for 10s. (Max 3 stacks.) (Rend reduces target's armor.) Perforate can be block/dodge canceled after the 2nd attack. | Spear | Impaler | Active |
| Rupturing Strikes | Rend increased to 10% per strike against targets above 50% health. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Impactful Strikes | Each attack inflicts a stack of weaken to the target, reducing target's outgoing damage by 10% for 5s. (Max 3 stacks.) | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Vault Kick | Use your spear to vault forward and kick your target, dealing 75% weapon damage and staggering them. Applies stun for 1.5s. Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equipped in your spear, this ability inflicts taunt for 2s when it hits. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.) | Spear | Impaler | Active |
| Relentless Blows | Gain empower after successful hits on targets below 50% health, increasing damage by 20% for 5s. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Continuous Motion | Cooldowns for other spear abilities are reduced by 30% on successful hit. (Max 1 reduction per ability use.) | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Precise Jabs | Light attacks have a 5% increased critical chance. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Refreshing Jabs | All spear ability cooldowns are reduced by 10% on the second hit of the light attack chain. (Max 1 reduction per attack.) | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Crippling Jabs | The last hit of the light attack chain applies 30% slow for 3s to targets below 30% health. (Slow reduces target's movement speed.) | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Finishing Blows | Deal 15% increased base damage against targets with less than 30% health. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Unerring Precision | Deal 20% increased base damage against targets with active grit. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Aggressive Maneuvers | The first successful hit with an ability within 2s of dodging reduces all spear cooldowns by 20%. (Max 1 reduction per ability use.) | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Exacerbating Crits | Critical hits extend the duration of your spear debuffs by 20%. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Exposed Wounds | Critical chance is increased by 15% when attacking a bleeding target. | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Exploited Weakness | Deal 10% increased base damage for each debuff on your target. (Max 30%.) | Spear | Impaler | Passive |
| Upheaval | An upward slice that deals 200% weapon damage. This ability has grit. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) | Sword | Swordmaster | Active |
| Unstoppable Slash | Upheaval hits against targets inflicted with crowd control (stun, root, slow) status effects deal 20% more base damage. | Sword | Swordmaster | Passive |
| Tactician | On a successful hit with Upheaval, all other sword cooldowns are reduced by 25%. (Max 1 reduction per ability use.) | Sword | Swordmaster | Passive |
| Whirling Blade | Quickly spin around while extending the sword out, dealing two hits of 80% weapon damage to all foes within 3m. | Sword | Swordmaster | Active |
| Opportunity | Grants a bonus to Whirling Blade hits based on what equip load the player is: • Light - Inflicts target hit with 15% rend for 10s. • Medium - Increases stamina regen rate by 10% per hit for 4s. (Max 4 hits.) • Heavy - Inflicts target with 16% weaken for 6s. (Rend reduces target's armor.) (Weaken reduces target's outgoing damage.) | Sword | Swordmaster | Passive |
| Tactical Strike | Whirling Blade reduces its own cooldown by 5% for each enemy hit. | Sword | Swordmaster | Passive |
| Leaping Strike | Leap forward, dealing 100% weapon damage and staggering your target. | Sword | Swordmaster | Active |
| Final Strike | If you hit a foe below 30% health, deal 50% more base damage. | Sword | Swordmaster | Passive |