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Name Title
Evandrus Crassus Tribune of New Corsica
Evandrus Crassus Tribune of New Corsica
Evandrus Crassus Legatus of New Corsica
Evandrus Crassus Legatus of New Corsica
Maximo Marauder Commander
Iolus Syndicate Alchemist
Octavia Covenant Adjudicator
Lucio Host
Stranger (missing map location)
Corsican Guard
Philogus Nicabar
Corsican Speculatores
Gaius Caeso
Habibah Innkeeper of the Thermae
@1623_Fisher (missing map location)
Imhotep Sage of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Sage of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Sage of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Sage of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Pharaoh of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Pharaoh of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Vizier of the Ancients
Imhotep Physician of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Physician of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Physician of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Physician of Brimstone Sands
Imhotep Physician of Brimstone Sands
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Ghazi Laghmani Chronicler
Cleopatra VII Philopater Queen of Brimstone Sands
Hermogenes Playwright
Mevia Gladiator
Bekis Brewmaster
Elissa Dye-maker
Tristán Calante Deserter
Ta-sechmi Hermit
Titus Galerius Valens Cartographer
Murdoch Templeman Big Game Hunter
Phimenis Camp Host
Antonia Tertia Farmer
Kollauthis Ex-Priestess
Livia Sabina Merchant
Akamatsu Suke Physician
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