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Name Title
Babak Rahbar Shoemaker
Zhao Na Wigmaker
Yadira Ahmad Jeweler
Zorzi Ezzo Minstrel
Faramarz Hakimi Guard
Yazdan Hakimi Guard
Eva Gowering Guard
Gwen Craddock Guard
Roger Wright (missing map location) Guard
Walter Fletcher (missing map location) Guard
Wolcott's Easel Suspiciously Empty
Abiathar Stull Grieving Farmer
Nerezza D'Angelo Transcended Sculptress
Aife Dubh Druidic Potioneer
Taslav Gurkin Magistrate of Restless Shore
Rilette Wilson Survivalist of Restless Shore
Lyse Muller Constable of Restless Shore
Elinor Taethen Artificer of Restless Shore
Allyson Ruckman Alchemist of Restless Shore
Rymon Hallock Adjudicator of Restless Shore
Niki Andris Barkeep of Restless Shore
Laszlo Tomaso Innkeeper of the Sunken Compass
Nekumanesh Small Alligator
Nekumanesh Small Alligator
Santiago Salazar Boatswain of Restless Shore
Santiago Salazar Boatswain of Restless Shore
Myrtilus Angry Earth
Caryn Berzs Naturalist
Wafa Keles Wader of Restless Shore
Xue Tian Rogue of Restless Shore
Alder (missing map location) Child of the Bloom
Hua (missing map location) Child of the Bloom
Dylan (missing map location) Child of the Bloom
Iris (missing map location) Child of the Bloom
The Bloom Herald (missing map location) Children of the Bloom Leader
Hecta Garcia Commander of Restless Shore
Barnabus Severan Prefect of New Corsica
Barnabus Severan Prefect of New Corsica
Andrea Clermont Captain of the Praetorian Guard
Ambrosius Nikoli Mercator of New Corsica
Ambrosius Nikoli Mercator of New Corsica
Pontifex Charmion New Corsica
Akila Nuru Pontiff of New Corsica
Akila Nuru Pontiff of New Corsica
Akila Nuru Pontiff of New Corsica
Akila Nuru Pontifex of New Corsica
Akila Nuru Pontifex of New Corsica
Ariel Gideon Consul of New Corsica
Ariel Gideon Consul of New Corsica
Alaina Kraus Tribune of New Corsica
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