| Sturgeon Style Thighwraps of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 540-675 |
| Sturgeon Style Shinguards of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 540-675 |
| Colorful Kraken Cap of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 540-675 |
| Colorful Kraken Sash of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 540-675 |
| Colorful Kraken Wristguards of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 540-675 |
| Colorful Kraken Chaps of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 540-675 |
| Colorful Kraken Boots of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 540-675 |
| Parting Gift | | Rare | V | 540 |
| Path of Initiation | | Rare | V | 540 |
| Abyss | | Rare | V | 530 |
| Captain King's Crown | | Epic | IV | 525 |
| Headpiece of the Half-Fae Wizard | | Rare | V | 520 |
| New Chapter | | Epic | V | 510 |
| Ole Smokey | | Rare | V | 510 |
| Forsaken Boots | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Gauntlets | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Helm | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Greaves | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Elegant Warrior's Chestpiece | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Elegant Warrior's Boots | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Elegant Warrior's Gloves | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Elegant Warrior's Helmet | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Elegant Warrior's Pants | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Ornamental Breastplate | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Ornamental Sabatons | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Ornamental Gauntlets | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Ornamental Helm | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Ornamental Greaves | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Heavy Breastplate | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Heavy Boots | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Heavy Gauntlets | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Heavy Helm | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Heavy Greaves | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Immemorial Breastplate | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Immemorial Boots | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Immemorial Gauntlets | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Immemorial Helm | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Immemorial Greaves | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Finely-woven Vest | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Finely-cobbled Shoes | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Finely-woven Gloves | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Finely-woven Hat | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Finely-woven Leggings | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Cloth Shirt | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Cloth Shoes | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Cloth Gloves | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Helm | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Forsaken Cloth Pants | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Dignified Lacy Shirt | | Epic | V | 500-650 |
| Dignified Lacy Boots | | Epic | V | 500-650 |