| Gnostic Crux Shrine |
| Crescent Window Shrine |
| Primal Bend Shrine |
| Beinn Creag |
| The Motherwell |
| Caliburne |
| Gaol Volant |
| Inishglory Camp |
| Bredbeddle's Head |
| Cloch Priory |
| Inishglory Shrine |
| Tor To-Riven |
| East Edengrove Watch |
| South Edengrove Watch |
| The Winter Rune Forge |
| The Winter Rune Forge |
| The Winter Rune Forge |
| Baleful Lair |
| Bulwark Brake |
| Whilom Warison |
| Subtil Bodkin |
| Blister Fistula |
| Scrofulous Grot |
| Malehaut Delve |
| Wrothe Warren |
| Inflorescent Den |
| DELETE_50406 |
| Ceremony |
| Camp Raggedwolf |
| Last Stand |
| @ui_poi_crater_feyoffering_50405 |
| Cursed Knurls |
| @ui_poi_crater_spriggan_50409 |
| Fierna Pass |
| Fell Belfry |
| Clarion |
| Garden of Genesis |
| Fabhcon Shrine |
| Isvari's Isolation |
| Genesis Shrine |
| Crow's Nest |
| Stone Bridge Shrine |
| Mebh's Largesse |
| Mebh's Shrine |
| North Edengrove Watch |
| Blightcrown |
| Ruined Straits |
| Fornax |
| Pisces |