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Name Effect Categories
AI Echidna InstaKill BossDebuff
AI Echidna PillarTarget BossDebuff EchidnaPillar
AI Echidna Pillar Cast EchidnaPillar
AI Echidna Pillar Chase BossDebuff EchidnaPillar
AI Echidna Pillar Cancel NonDispellableBuff
Threat Detetected BossDebuff UnclampedWeaken
Threat Still Detetected BossDebuff UnclampedWeaken
Threat Barely Detetected BossDebuff UnclampedWeaken
In the Clear NonDispellableBuff
AI Echidna TargetMarker NonDispellableBuff Affliction BossDebuff
She's Exposed! NonDispellableBuff
AI Echidna SelfFlag
AI Echidna MissileTarget Apply AI_Neutral
Rend BossDebuff Rend Debilitate
AI Echidna Stagger L
AI Echidna Stagger R
AI Echidna Staggered Tracker
Fortify NonDispellableBuff
Fortify NonDispellableBuff
AI Echidna Staggered Recover
Swell of Corruption Dot
Empowering Corruption Buff
Anchoring Corruption Debuff Slow CC Dot
@AI_Corrupted_FirstMate_SplinteredDefense_DoT_DisplayName Dot
Splintered Defense BossDebuff
Splintered Defense BossDebuff
Splintered Defense BossDebuff
AI Drama PlayIntro NonDispellableDebuff
@CommonBlank Tracking
@CommonBlank Tracking
@CommonBlank Tracking
@CommonBlank Tracking
Poison Debuff Poison Dot ConquerorPoisonDoT
@CommonBlank Tracking
Holy Shield Timer Tracking
@CommonBlank Tracking
Burn NonDispellableDebuff NonDispellableDoT Burn
Empower Buff Empower
@CommonBlank Tracking
Corrosion Debuff DMG DoT ConquerorKnockBackDmg
@CommonBlank Tracking
Tank Aura Tracking
Fortify NonDispellableBuff ArmorFortify CounquerorTankAllyBuff
Rend NonDispellableDebuff ArmorRend CounquerorTankSelfDebuff
@CommonBlank NonDispellableBuff Anointed CounquerorTankSelfBuff
Frost Aura Tracking
Fortify NonDispellableBuff Fortify CounquerorFrostAllyBuff
Empower NonDispellableBuff NonDispellableEmpower CounquerorFrostSelfBuff
Empower NonDispellableBuff NonDispellableEmpower CounquerorFrostSelfBuff
Slow Debuff Slow CC Frost
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