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Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Amateur Adventurer 47 3,190 100.00 50 600
Battle Wounds Bestow Honor 46 3,100 96.25
Death and Duty 46 3,070 95.00 25 600
Song of the Sea 46 3,100 96.25 25 600
Paying Respects 46 3,070 95.00 25 600
Archdeacon Azamela (Expedition) 46 12,500 133.00 50 800
Broken Communication 46 3,070 95.00 25 600
When it Rains, it Pours 45 2,430 37.50 12 400
Ode to Aeternum 45 3,100 96.25 25 600
Stone Cold Secrets 45 3,100 96.25 25 600
Fisherman's Allure 45 3,030 93.75 25 600
Not Another Fish in the Sea 45 3,030 93.75 25 600
Meat For Nekumanesh (Expedition) 45 8,180 15.20 30 375
A Passing Good Knight 42 2,830 88.75
Armed At All Points 42 2,830 88.75
The First Thing I Remember 42 2,850 90.00 25 600
Unnatural Habitation 41 2,830 88.75 25 600
Reaper's Locus (Expedition) 35 4,820 112.00 50
Starstone of Shattering (Expedition) 35 1,980 113.75 50 800
More Bones for Barkimedes (Expedition) 35 4,940 13.00 30 375
Heart of Darkness (Elite) 34 4,820 112.00 50
Azoth Tree Achene 33 3,910 78.75 37
Papa Bear (Elite) 33 4,020 80.00 37
Reunion 33 3,910 78.75 37
A Simple Tea 32 3,810 77.50 37
Dark Legacy 32 3,810 77.50 37
Earth Will Provide 31 3,620 76.25 37
Secrets of the Earth 30 3,750 75.00 37
Wolcott's Masterpiece 30 3,750 75.00 37
Music to Her Ears 30 3,750 75.00 37
Relic Reclamation 30 3,750 75.00 150
Infernal Armaments 29 3,410 73.75 37
Eye for Reflection 29 3,410 73.75 37
Til Death do us Part 29 4,090 103.25 50
Lost and Returned 29 3,410 73.75 37
Location Scout 28 3,300 72.50 37
Memories of Another Life 28 3,300 72.50 37
Earthly Treasures 28 3,300 72.50 37
The Lost Scarecrow 28 3,300 72.50 150
Foreman's Ledger (Expedition) 25 2,150 96.25 50 800
Seeing Clearly (Expedition) 25 2,150 96.25 1,500
Give a Dog a Bone (Expedition) 25 1,430 96.25 50 1,500
Bones For Barkimedes (Expedition) 25 3,570 11.00 20 250
Belly of the Corrupted 20 3,750 75.00 37
Enter The Arena 20 1,630 87.50 20 800
Tenacious Rose 20 2,260 62.50 150
Stellar Research 18 1,120 60.00 37 1,000
The Aspiring Knight 17 1,000 58.75 1,000
Faction Introductions 17
A Useless Hope 15 800 56.25 1,000
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