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Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
An Ancient Balancing Act 3,660 115.00 50 600
Coming Forth by Day 3,700 116.25 50 600
The Insatiable Flame 2,990 47.00 25 400
Artistic License 2,990 47.00 25 400
Path of the Devourer 3,770 120.00 50 600
The Antiquarian's Dream 3,660 115.00 50 600
The Queen's Brood (Elite) 4,530 168.00 100 800
Secrets of the Heartgem 3,740 117.50 50 600
The Gods' Demand 3,740 117.50 50 600
Flower of the Sands 3,590 112.50 50 600
Sand Walkers 3,630 113.75 50 600
Honoring the 19th 3,630 113.75 50 600
On Duty, the Sun Never Sets 3,630 113.75 50 600
The Secret of the Baths 3,660 115.00 50 600
Honor's End 2,870 148.70 30 375
To Unpathed Waters 450 43.75
And Undreamed Shores 450 43.75 600
The Good Squire 450 43.75 600
This Melancholy Bait 1,020 70.00 50 600
The Idle Squire 850 50.00 600
Thou Deboshed Fish! 1,590 78.75 50 800
Gilded Tombs do Worms Enfold 1,590 78.75 50 800
The Woe of Squires 1,320 56.25 20 800
Rots From the Head Down 4,500 105.00 50 800
The Regent's Wounds 3,750 75.00 20 600
Depths Close Round About 4,950 113.75 50 800
The Fisher King Returned 5,630 122.50 50 800
My Kingdom for a Horse
Hungry as a Horse
Hoofing It
On the Scent
A Pack of Knaves
Desert Dash
A Matter of Pride
The Lion's Lament
Hermit's Rally
Radiant Hills Rally
Stolen Shores Rally
King's Road Tour
Dogma Tour
Ghosts and Groves Tour
Vega Bridge Rally
Diver's Bluff Rally
Iron Rose Tour
Thieves' Way Tour
Flood and Folly Tour
Temple of Tears Rally
Downhill Rush Rally
Wolf's Bane Tour
Ancient Alley Tour
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