Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Explorers Needed 25 190 4.40 700 40
Explorers Needed 25 190 4.40 700 40
Explorers Needed 25 150 4.00 700 40
Foreman's Ledger (Expedition) 25 2,310 96.25 20 250
Seeing Clearly (Expedition) 25 2,570 96.25 250
Practice Makes Perfect 25 2,570 96.25 20 250
Bones For Barkimedes (Expedition) 25 1,720 96.25 20 250
Bones For Barkimedes (Expedition) 25 4,110 11.00 250
Wispy Spritz Bombs 25 2,060 68.75 10 175
Springtide Bloom 25 2,060 68.75 10 175
Marauder Advancement: Gladiator 25 2,570 96.25 20
Marauder Advancement: Gladiator 25 2,570 96.25 20
Marauder Advancement: Gladiator 25 2,570 96.25 20
Marauder Advancement: Gladiator 25 2,570 96.25 20
Marauder: Trial of the Gladiator 25 2,570 96.25 20
Syndicate Advancement: Scrivener 25 2,570 96.25 20
Syndicate Advancement: Scrivener 25 2,570 96.25 20
Syndicate Advancement: Scrivener 25 2,570 96.25 20
Syndicate Advancement: Scrivener 25 2,570 96.25 20
Syndicate: Trial of the Scrivener 25 2,570 96.25 20
Covenant Advancement: Templar 25 2,570 96.25 20
Covenant Advancement: Templar 25 2,570 96.25 20
Covenant Advancement: Templar 25 2,570 96.25 20
Covenant Advancement: Templar 25 2,570 96.25 20
Covenant: Trial of the Templar 25 2,570 96.25 20
Myth Made Weapon 25 4,290 82.50 20
Destiny Unearthed 25 5,000 269.50 20
Forge Your Own Destiny (Everfall) 25
The Ritual 25 4,290 82.50 20
Raid: Mortemer Manor 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Raid: Marcel's Hamlet 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Raid: Walsham 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Plunder: Marcel's Hamlet 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Plunder: Walsham 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Hunt: Brightwatch 24 - 30 800 8.40 250
Raid: Castaway's Colony 24 - 32 870 8.69 250
Plunder: Rothoard Hollow 24 - 32 870 8.69 250
Hunt: Salty Marshes 24 - 30 800 8.40 250
Hunt: Homely Hills 24 - 30 800 8.40 250
Purge: Mortemer Manor 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Purge: Marcel's Hamlet 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Purge: Walsham 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Procure: Marcel's Hamlet 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Procure: Walsham 24 - 31 840 8.54 250
Hunt: Brightwatch 24 - 30 800 8.40 250
Purge: Castaway's Colony 24 - 32 870 8.69 250
Procure: Rothoard Hollow 24 - 32 870 8.69 250
Hunt: Salty Marshes 24 - 30 800 8.40 250
Hunt: Homely Hills 24 - 30 800 8.40 250
Crusade: Mortemer Manor 24 - 31 840 8.54 250