Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Purge: Schatten Lake 35 - 41 1,120 10.04 250
Purge: Geldvene Cave 35 - 41 1,120 10.04 250
Crusade: Schatten Lake 35 - 41 1,120 10.04 250
Crusade: Geldvene Cave 35 - 41 1,120 10.04 250
Hunt: Cayo de la Muerte 34 - 65 1,090 9.90 250
Bounty: Pond Scum Fort 34 - 39 1,090 9.90 250
Hunt: Cayo de la Muerte 34 - 65 1,090 9.90 250
Assassinate: Pond Scum Fort 34 - 39 1,090 9.90 250
Hunt: Cayo de la Muerte 34 - 65 1,090 9.90 250
Smite: Pond Scum Fort 34 - 39 1,090 9.90 250
Raid: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Plunder: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Trophy Hunt: Gren's Place 33 - 35 1,060 9.75 250
Bounty: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Bounty: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Bounty: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Bounty: Corlew's Mine 33 - 38 1,060 9.75 250
Raid: Pond Scum Fort 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Raid: Fishbone Village 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Raid: Storm Coast 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Plunder: Pond Scum Fort 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Plunder: Fishbone Village 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Plunder: Storm Coast 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Bounty: Cave of Tithing (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Raid: Andrometus 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Raid: Lepus 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Plunder: Andrometus 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Bounty: Lepus 33 - 38 1,060 9.75 250
Bounty: Lepus 33 - 38 1,060 9.75 250
Purge: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Procure: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Specimen Hunt: Gren's Place 33 - 35 1,060 9.75 250
Assassinate: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Assassinate: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Assassinate: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Assassinate: Corlew's Mine 33 - 38 1,060 9.75 250
Purge: Pond Scum Fort 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Purge: Fishbone Village 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Purge: Storm Coast 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Procure: Pond Scum Fort 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Procure: Fishbone Village 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Procure: Storm Coast 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Assassinate: Cave of Tithing (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Purge: Andrometus 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Purge: Lepus 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Procure: Andrometus 33 - 39 1,060 9.75 250
Assassinate: Lepus 33 - 38 1,060 9.75 250
Assassinate: Lepus 33 - 38 1,060 9.75 250
Crusade: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375
Reclaim: Brightwood Isle (Elite) 33 - 65 1,590 16.25 375