Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Hunt: Devil's Quarry 8 - 23 430 6.00 250
Hunt: Devil's Quarry 7 - 23 390 5.85 250
Hunt: Stonereach 6 - 23 350 5.70 250
Raid: Reedgill Fishery 6 - 23 350 5.70 250
Plunder: Hiraeth Peak 6 - 23 350 5.70 250
Plunder: Reedgill Fishery 6 - 23 350 5.70 250
Trophy Hunt: Werna Isle 6 - 23 350 5.70 250
Hunt: Devil's Quarry 6 - 23 350 5.70 250
Hunt: Grenville 6 - 23 350 5.70 250
Raid: Crone's Rest 5 - 23 310 5.55 250
Raid: Cynefin Mine 5 - 23 310 5.55 250
Plunder: Cynefin Mine 5 - 23 310 5.55 250
Plunder: Crone's Rest 4 - 23 270 5.40 250
Hunt: Emberwood 1 - 23 50 4.64 250
Hunt: Dustmeadow 1 - 23 50 4.64 250
Hunt: Werna Isle 1 - 23 50 4.64 250
Hunt: Primrose 1 - 23 50 4.64 250
Hunt: Greenhaven 1 - 23 50 4.64 250
Raid: Tempestas Custodia 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Mosswater Bend 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Portico Tideswallow 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Forellac 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Saircor Orrery 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Tanglesnap Hollows 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Old First Light Settlement 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Firefly's Pique 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Kurok's Rest 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Trampled Steppes 6,270 23.75 375
Raid: Scalefang Enclave (Elite) 7,220 28.50 375
Bounty: Tempestas Custodia 6,270 23.75 375
Bounty: Hornhold Labyrinth 6,270 23.75 375
Bounty: Tanglesnap Hollows 6,270 23.75 375
Bounty: Saircor Orrery 6,270 23.75 375
Bounty: Tribunal Highmound (Elite) 7,220 28.50 375
Bounty: Tribunal Highmound (Elite) 7,220 28.50 375
Bounty: Scalefang Enclave (Elite) 7,220 28.50 375
Bringer of Death 6,270 23.75 375
Broken Crypts 6,270 23.75 375
Whetstones 6,270 23.75 375
Picking at a Wound 6,270 23.75 375
Reeling In 6,270 23.75 375
Floodgates 6,270 23.75 375
Shipwrecked 6,270 23.75 375
The Slayer 7,220 28.50 375
Footfall 7,220 28.50 375
Garden of Evil 7,220 28.50 375
Unfamiliar Death (Elite) 7,220 28.50 375
Darkness Hunt 6,270 23.75 375
Time Trial 6,270 23.75 375
Time Trial 6,270 23.75 375