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Name Title
Tsui Fen Tanner
Zhang Haoyu Mason
Lionel De La Rue Weaver
Lionel De La Rue Weaver
Utkarsh Singh Historian
Verildis Jannsen Innkeeper of the Southern Breeze
Li Zihan Tavern Keeper
Fude Hinode Landscape Artist
Yelena Pajitnova Antiquarian of Windsward
Yelena Pajitnova Antiquarian of Windsward
Yelena Pajitnova Antiquarian of Windsward
Roya Hakimi Admirer of the Iron Rose
Roya Hakimi Admirer of the Iron Rose
Roya Hakimi Iron Rose Page
Gideon Sturm Iron Rose Knight
Gideon Sturm Iron Rose Knight
Elric Chapman Historian
Margot Emerson Historian
Margot Emerson Historian
Michael Lewis Farmer
Michael Lewis Farmer
Michael Lewis Farmer
Ahura Farid Mason
Priya Thakur Farmer
Lijsbet De Vries Farmer
Lijsbet De Vries Farmer
Artist's Brushes Abandoned in a hurry
Tower Journal (missing map location) A rather lengthy account
Uzma Joshi Marauder Commander
Aleit Jansz Syndicate Alchemist
Gilander Dempster Covenant Adjudicator
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Gunter Rost (missing map location) Refugee from First Light
Rolanda Freemane Stylemancer
Gianni Verdelli Stylemancer
Matsukura Choshiro Stylemancer
Mohini Rao Stylemancer
Liang Zheng Stylemancer
Liang Iwa Stylemancer
Susana Ortiz Stylemancer
Lucas Draper Stylemancer
Ampho Bosch Stylemancer
Trian O' Cairre Stylemancer
Akila Jameel Stylemancer
Isbell Xiphias Stylemancer
Kadia Bello Stylemancer
Emelot Barbier Stylemancer
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