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Name Title
Cassius Andrometus Roman Courier
Captain Aldous Thorpe (missing map location) English Privateer
Perronelle le Noir Seeker of the Questing Bass
Perronelle le Noir Seeker of the Questing Bass
Perronelle le Noir Seeker of the Questing Bass
Khadijah Bahri Fishing Squire
Urashima Ishii Fishing Squire
Pelles le Noir Regurgitated Fish Food
Pelles le Noir Fisher King
Jochi Khan Horse Whisperer
François de La Rama Reformed Conman
Valencia Iznov Varangian Defector
Satiah Ramotep Record Keeper
Zinnumun Lion Matriach
Wild Horse Friendly Horse
Dire Wolf Captured Wolf
Dire Wolf Captured Wolf
Dire Wolf Captured Wolf
Kaluru Lion Patriarch
Tour Board
Rally Board
Rally Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Rally Board
Rally Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Rally Board
Rally Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Rally Board
Rally Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Rally Board
Rally Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Tour Board
Mud-Stained Note (missing map location)
Rima Bahar Traveling Bard
Rima Bahar Traveling Bard
Dog Silver Crow Mascot
Phaedra Kanelos Eager Poet
Grace O'Malley Ship Captain
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