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Name Perks Rarity Tier
Romantic Candelabra
Rare III
Romantic Sconce
Rare III
Love Letter Desk
Rare III
Tray of Love Potions
Rare III
Exotic Bubble Bath
Rare III
Romantic Bouquet
Rare III
Black Bear Pelt Rug
Rare III
Romantic Dinner Table
Rare III
Springtime Rattan Chair
Rare III
Springtime Ceiling Lantern
Rare III
Springtime Wall Lantern
Rare III
Springtime Rug
Rare III
Springtime Ceiling Flowers
Rare III
Spring Floral Blower
Rare III
Springtime Curtains
Rare III
Springtime Tub O' Flowers
Rare III
Springtime Rattan Table
Rare III
Springtime Wreath
Rare III
Springtime Bunny
Rare III
Cosmic Armillary Dial
Rare III
Astronomical Astrolabe
Rare III
Tarot Game Table
Rare III
Fateful Hourglass
Rare III
Palmistry Statue
Rare III
Fortune Scrying Table
Rare III
Zodiac Tapestry
Rare III
Astral Chandelier
Rare III
Pig of Mystery
Rare III
Tempting Treasure
Rare III
Storyteller's Chair
Rare III
Fantastical Seat
Rare III
Everflame Chandelier
Rare III
Wyrmbreath Sconce
Rare III
Storyteller's Game
Rare III
Tapestry of the 'Perfect Balance'
Rare III
Fantastical Table
Rare III
Iron-Song Music Box
Rare III
Iron-Song Spiked Chair
Rare III
Iron-Song Drum Chandelier
Rare III
Iron-Song Drum Side Table
Rare III
Iron-Song Hand Sculpture
Rare III
Iron-Song Axe Lute
Rare III
Iron-Song Spiked Guitar
Rare III
Iron-Song Lyre Shelf
Rare III
Iron-Song Painting
Rare III
Iron-Song Tour Tapestry
Rare III
Rising-Fire Throne
Rare III
Rising-Fire Feathered Chandelier
Rare III
Rising-Fire Brazier
Rare III
Rising-Fire Winged Lantern
Rare III
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