| Soul Shroud Mask | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Syncretic Helm | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Keratin Helm | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Tanglevine Crown | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Sporelight Mask | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Azoth Crystal Mask | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Azoth Crystal Hat | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Azoth Crystal Helm | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Simon Grey's Helmet | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Blighted Growth's Flaming Headdress | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Isabella's Gaze | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Chardis' Headdress | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Empress Zhou's Crown | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Expedition Captain's Helm | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Siren's Headwear | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Admiral's Tricorn Cap | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Sun Lord's Headdress | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Aureate's Golden Galea | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Fire Lord's Great Horned Helm | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Great Helm of the Frigid Dawn | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Galea of Lucanus | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Hordemaster Helmet | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Corsica Bandit's Litham | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Turban of the Scholarly Jongleur | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Frostweaver Helmet | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Freezeframe Padded Helmet | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Ice Guardian Helmet | | Legendary | V | 650-700 |
| Primal Greathelm of the Soldier | | Epic | V | 650-700 |
| Primal Helmet of the Ranger | | Epic | V | 650-700 |
| Primal Hat of the Scholar | | Epic | V | 650-700 |
| Black Ice Helm of the Soldier | | Epic | V | 650-700 |
| Tarnished Excavator's Coif of the Ranger | | Epic | V | 650-700 |
| Cold Hearted Mask of the Scholar | | Epic | V | 650-700 |
| Flaming Monk's Kabuto | | Epic | V | 650-675 |
| Frozen Monarch's Helmet | | Epic | V | 650-675 |
| Braided Circlet of the Speardaughter | | Epic | V | 650-675 |
| Marauder Champion Helm of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Covenant Paladin Helm of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Syndicate Magus Helm of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Marauder Champion Headwear of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Covenant Paladin Headwear of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Syndicate Magus Headwear of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Marauder Champion Hat of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Covenant Paladin Hat of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Syndicate Magus Hat of the Sentry | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Marauder Champion Headwear of the Soldier | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Covenant Paladin Headwear of the Soldier | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Syndicate Magus Headwear of the Soldier | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Marauder Champion Hat of the Soldier | | Epic | V | 650 |
| Covenant Paladin Hat of the Soldier | | Epic | V | 650 |