Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Reinforced Covenant Templar Hat of the Priest Rare IV 495
Reinforced Syndicate Exemplar Hat of the Priest Rare IV 495
Reinforced Marauder Sunderer Headgear of the Brigand Rare IV 495
Reinforced Syndicate Exemplar Headgear of the Brigand Rare IV 495
Reinforced Covenant Templar Headgear of the Brigand Rare IV 495
Marauder Destroyer Headwear of the Barbarian Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Headwear of the Barbarian Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Headwear of the Barbarian Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Hat of the Barbarian Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Hat of the Barbarian Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Hat of the Barbarian Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Helm of the Brigand Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Helm of the Brigand Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Helm of the Brigand Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Headwear of the Brigand Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Headwear of the Brigand Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Headwear of the Brigand Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Helm of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Helm of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Helm of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Hat of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Hat of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Hat of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Headwear of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Headwear of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Headwear of the Occultist Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Helm of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Helm of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Helm of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Headwear of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Headwear of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Headwear of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Hat of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Hat of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Hat of the Cleric Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Helm of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Helm of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Helm of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Headwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Headwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Headwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Hat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Hat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Hat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Headwear of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Headwear of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Headwear of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Hat of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Hat of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Hat of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490