Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Bloodline's Curse Earring Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Heart's Tendril Trinket Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Teardrop Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Priestess Charm Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Wandering Expedience Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Energizing Charm Legendary V 625
Forest Stalker's Earring Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Silencing Step Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Earring of Shah Neshen Legendary V 625
Hesperian Earring
Uncommon V 625-650
The Watcher's Totem Reward from quest Rare V 620
Lucky Earring Reward from quest Epic V 605
Ecnelovelam's Yvne Legendary V 600-625
Enflamed Earring of the Soldier
Legendary V 600
Enflamed Earring of the Ranger
Legendary V 600
Enflamed Earring of the Sentry
Legendary V 600
Enflamed Earring of the Scholar
Legendary V 600
Enflamed Earring of the Sage
Legendary V 600
Exemplary Earring of the Soldier
Legendary V 600
Exemplary Earring of the Ranger
Legendary V 600
Exemplary Earring of the Sentry
Legendary V 600
Exemplary Earring of the Scholar
Legendary V 600
Exemplary Earring of the Sage
Legendary V 600
Coiled Sentinel Earring Epic V 600
Token of The Marked Man Epic V 600
The Ad Ventura's Charm Epic V 600
The Serenity Starmetal Trinket Epic V 600
The Fang of Fortuity Epic V 600
Seeker's Found Mascot Epic V 600
Shattered Mountain's Remorse Reward from quest Rare IV 600
Bloodstone Charm Reward from quest Rare V 600
Ethereal Earring Can be crafted
Rare III 600-600
Mythril Crafted Earring Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Mythril Crafted Earring of the Soldier
Uncommon V 600-700
Mythril Crafted Earring of the Ranger
Uncommon V 600-700
Mythril Crafted Earring of the Scholar
Uncommon V 600-700
Mythril Crafted Earring of the Sage
Uncommon V 600-700
Mythril Crafted Earring of the Sentry
Uncommon V 600-700
Mythril Crafted Earring Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Playtester Earring of the Sentry Uncommon V 600
Enflamed Earring of the Soldier
Epic V 590-595
Enflamed Earring of the Ranger
Epic V 590-595
Enflamed Earring of the Sentry
Epic V 590-595
Enflamed Earring of the Scholar
Epic V 590-595
Enflamed Earring of the Sage
Epic V 590-595
Exemplary Earring of the Soldier
Epic V 590-595
Exemplary Earring of the Ranger
Epic V 590-595
Exemplary Earring of the Sentry
Epic V 590-595
Exemplary Earring of the Scholar
Epic V 590-595
Exemplary Earring of the Sage
Epic V 590-595