Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Empress Zhou's Embroidered Tunic Legendary V 605
Siren's Chestwrap Legendary V 605
Sun Lord's Wings Legendary V 605
Red Badge Reward from quest Epic V 605
Voidbent Breastplate Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Voidbent Coat Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Voidbent Robes Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Blighted Growth's Chestwrap Legendary V 600
Chardis' Chestwrap Legendary V 600
Expedition Captain's Breastplate Legendary V 600
Admiral's Petticoat Legendary V 600
Aureate's Golden Lorica Segmentata Legendary V 600
Sprigganbane Breastplate
Legendary V 600
Sprigganbane Leather Coat
Legendary V 600
Sprigganbane Cloth Shirt
Legendary V 600
Mossborne Plate
Legendary V 600
Mossborne Coat
Legendary V 600
Mossborne Shirt
Legendary V 600
Raider Breastplate
Legendary V 600
Raider Leather Coat
Legendary V 600
Raider Cloth Coat
Legendary V 600
Lieutenant's Breastplate Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Temple Guard's Breastplate Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Obelisk Priest's Robe Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Sage Husk Robe Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Primeval Husk Breastplate Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Primal Husk Coat Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Corset Dress Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Ta-Seti's Coat Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Swashbuckler Robe Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Oak Regent Chestguard of the Soldier Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Holly Regent Robe of the Soldier Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Floral Regent Tunic of the Soldier Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Oak Regent Chestguard of the Ranger Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Holly Regent Robe of the Ranger Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Floral Regent Tunic of the Ranger Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Oak Regent Chestguard of the Scholar Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Holly Regent Robe of the Scholar Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Floral Regent Tunic of the Scholar Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Oak Regent Chestguard of the Sage Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Holly Regent Robe of the Sage Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Floral Regent Tunic of the Sage Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Oak Regent Chestguard of the Sentry Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Holly Regent Robe of the Sentry Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Floral Regent Tunic of the Sentry Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Blooming Breastplate of Earrach of the Soldier Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Blooming Coat of Earrach of the Soldier Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Blooming Shirt of Earrach of the Soldier Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Blooming Breastplate of Earrach of the Ranger Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Blooming Coat of Earrach of the Ranger Can be crafted Legendary V 600