| Scout Breastplate | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Leather Coat | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Trapper Coat | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Cloth Shirt | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Cloth Robe | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Cloth Dress | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Shamanic Tippet | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Ornamental Breastplate | | Uncommon | V | 690 |
| Goldcursed Breastplate | | Common | V | 690-705 |
| Goldcursed Coat | | Common | V | 690-705 |
| Goldcursed Jacket | | Common | V | 690-705 |
| Marauder Champion Breastplate of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Breastplate of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Breastplate of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Jacket of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Jacket of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Jacket of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Coat of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Coat of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Coat of the Sentry | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Jacket of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Jacket of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Jacket of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Coat of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Coat of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Coat of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Breastplate of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Breastplate of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Breastplate of the Soldier | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Jacket of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Jacket of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Jacket of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Coat of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Coat of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Coat of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Breastplate of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Breastplate of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Breastplate of the Ranger | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Jacket of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Jacket of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Jacket of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Coat of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Coat of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Coat of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Breastplate of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Breastplate of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Breastplate of the Scholar | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Marauder Champion Jacket of the Sage | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Covenant Paladin Jacket of the Sage | | Legendary | V | 675 |
| Syndicate Magus Jacket of the Sage | | Legendary | V | 675 |