Name Trade Skill Required Skill Level
Collect Tool
Collect Tool
Collect Tool
Activate Breaker
Activate Ancient Interface
Study Ancient Writing
Repair Ancient Pylon
Repair Ancient Pylon
Rotate Stone
Rotate Stone
Rotate Stone
Inspect Sarcophagus
Examine Journal
Collect Migration Evidence
Track Migration Evidence
Collect Rotten Reserves
Prepare for the Fight
Collect Broken Arms
Collect Depleted Medical Supplies
Inspect Abandoned List
Use Detonator
Wait for Angry Earth to Swarm the Lure
Wait for Angry Earth to Swarm the Lure
Create Pheromone Lure
Collect Pheromone Lure Ingredient
Collect Pheromone Lure Ingredient
Collect Pheromone Lure Ingredient
Place Explosive Barrel
Place Explosive Barrel
Place Explosive Barrel
Collect Explosive Barrel
Collect Explosive Barrel
Collect Explosive Barrel
Inspect Stag Remains
Burst the Vile Pod Logging 0
Burst the Vile Pod Logging 0
Burst the Vile Pod Logging 0
Burst the Vile Pod Logging 0