Name Trade Skill Required Skill Level
Pour the Draught in the Well
Pour the Draught in the Well
Pour the Draught in the Well
Pour the Draught in the Well
Gather the Azoth Tree Water
Place the Wolf Lure
Place the Explosive Barrel
Place the Explosive Barrel
Pillage the Pirate Hoard
Commandeer the Explosive Barrel
Burn the Pirate Banner
Light Candles
Light Candles
Light Candles
Burn the artifact
Complete the Ritual
Take Grimoire
Collect Family Crest
Rescue Hostage
Retrieve Empowered Heartgem
Ancient Temple Door
Choose the Battleworn Firestaff
Choose the Battleworn Bow
Choose the Battleworn War Hammer
Choose the Battleworn Hatchet
Supply Cache
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastbrimstone02)
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastbrimstone01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#westcutlass01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#westmourningdale01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#westeverfall01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#westedengrove01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#westcleave01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southshattered01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southrestless01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southreekwater01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southmourningdale01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southmonarchs01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southfirstlight01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southebonscale01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#southbrightwood01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#northwindsward02)
Long Forgotten Easel (#northwindsward01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#northweavers02)
Long Forgotten Easel (#northweavers01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#northreekwater01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#northmonarchs01)
Long Forgotten Easel (#northfirstlight01)